Steve Neill Klingon Battle Cruiser model build video's..

Started by Bryancd, April 29, 2012, 08:15:33 AM

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He's looking to take on other commission builds! And for the work, he's very reasonable in price. My model was $450 for the build, $50 in parts and lights, and then I added some extra parts for like another $30.


Wow Bryan, that looks fantastic. He did a great job on it, and very thorough. I am surprised how inexpensive his prices are, he put a lot of work into yours.


Quote from: jedijeff on May 16, 2012, 06:02:46 PM
Wow Bryan, that looks fantastic. He did a great job on it, and very thorough. I am surprised how inexpensive his prices are, he put a lot of work into yours.

I spoke too soon! He had to do even MORE stuff today and realizing the amount of work involved he has had to up any future build prices to $800, so I feel VERY lucky to have been his first customer on this. Still an amazing talent well worth it if you have a dream project. I am so tempted to have him build my PL 1/350 TOS Enterprise once it is realized. I bet he could make one to rival MR Enterprise.


The stenciled pattern looks great and I like the red bridge lights too.


very, very cool.  I just loved watching the videos.  Now Bryan, I want to see a video with it at your place!

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I need to quit my job and build models for a living.  That would be awesome!  Maybe when I retire.


Some nice pics Steve took.


Wow, I really liking that Paint Job he did on the Model. Going to Look Great when you get it Bryan.



So awesome!  The stand and lighting really make it pop and adds so much.  Bryan, now you need a TMP Enterprise to that scale to sit next to it!


Quote from: Rico on May 23, 2012, 03:54:53 PM
So awesome!  The stand and lighting really make it pop and adds so much.  Bryan, now you need a TMP Enterprise to that scale to sit next to it!

What the pics don't convey is how RED the glow is from the stand, it looks amazing in person. And I did ask Steve that exact question yesterday, Rico! That would be around $1000. He said it's a very hard kit to build up, need a lot of work. I think I will hold off and see if I would rather have him build my PL 1/350 TOS E with lights for maybe not too much more $.


Wow, looks Great Bryan, thanks for the close ups, as his paint job on it looks great.