Don't drive around a school bus

Started by Rico, November 13, 2012, 08:44:39 AM

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Man, I like this story.  This idiot woman drives on the sidewalk to go around a school bus unloading kids.  So, the judge makes her hold up a sign in public about what she did.  We need more people that do dumb things have to do this.


Could she have learned more if she as a school crossing guard for a week?


I just heard a news clip on the radio stating that humanity's IQ has been steadily dropping for thousands of years. I'm not quite sure how they can measure that, but perhaps this woman is "Exhibit A". She is LUCKY she did not hit a child. "Idiot" is too nice a word for her in my opinion.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Idiots can be infuriating.  I mean come on; she could have killed someone!

That lady got off easy, if you ask me.  Throw her butt in jail for a week and I bet she'll start driving like a sane person. 


It gets even better.  I guess the judge wasn't happy with her smoking, texting, and so on while she held the sign in public.  Not only is this woman an idiot for doing this in the first place (and I guess she did it a few times), but she's messing with the judges orders.  That's a big mistake.  Suck it up and take your punishment.


Not a very smart person to do that in the first place but then to not be more serious while she was out there. Dumb.