Happy Free Comic Book Day!

Started by Dangelus, May 04, 2013, 03:13:40 AM

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I've already been to my local comic shop and picked up a few free comics :-)



I had fun on FCBD!! Not only did they have it at the Comic Shop they also had it at the library. The guy who runs the shop headed over to the library and was handing out there. He didn't care that I grabbed some more since he was thinking of packing it up and heading back to the shop. I ended up with 11 comics and an Iron Man 3 heroclix figure. Saw lots of kids at the shop getting books so that was cool.
Also at the library they were having May the 4th Be With You at the library and kids could dress up and get free comics and they had a table full of Star Wars books and they were showing the Clone Wars movie with free popcorn!
At the shop I did buy 5 comics 3 new ones and 2 from a quarter box. Also the wife wanted to go to the Bargain Box to look for a game so I checked out the boxes of comics and found some Superman to fill some holes. And the guy running the place said it was FCBD and gave one of the ones I picked to me for free!! And after a couple more stops I came home and joined the Skype chat podcast!! Very fun day!!! Here's my stash minus the heroclix figure.


Cool. My local shop were giving a free comic per customer and an extra one per comic purchased. I also got the ironman hero clix figure which was cool. :-)


yep, i really hated i missed this year. plus it sucks my town doesn't have a comic book store. but one day i want to open one here.
In the Absense of Light, the Darkness Prevails.


My FCBD comics finally arrived from midtown comics online! What a haul! And I only paid shipping, how cool is that?  :biggrin


Nice. My local comic shop only carried 10 titles.


I wish I knew I could have done that thru Midtown. I use them all the time. Some cool stuff there.
Check out our Classic BSG podcast! http://ragtagfugitivepodcast.com/


Yeah, starting to dig into these. Makes me want to get back into comics on a regular basis.
I like the little background stories in the walking dead issue.