Wizard World Columbus (Ohio) Comic Con!

Started by WillEagle, September 12, 2015, 02:56:30 PM

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When I was at the comic con I was able to go through some comic boxes that were 2 for $1! And along with some help from the wife we found 40 comics!! They also gave us a comic of The Walking Dead which was a Columbus Comic Con exclusive. And what I found very cool is that it says that on the inside where the publishing date and everything is. Very cool. So I was able to fill some holes in my collection but also started some new ones. I found quite a few Star Trek Comics and among my favorites were the 2 part Romulans 'The Hollow Crown' and New Visions #3 'Cry Vengeance' witch is an $8 comic!!! And I also picked up a lot of Battlestar Galactica most based on the Sci-Fi channel show. Also a really cool Variant of Black Widow #1 from 2010 and 3 Six Million Dollar Man. Filled some holes in my Justice Society of America series and picked up 3 Futures End 1 shots with the 3D Covers! It's probably a good thing William Shatner's forum was coming up because I would have went through a whole other section! I think the wife was glad to!  ;D
Well here they are!


That's some cool stuff Will.  That Black Widow cover is very nice.  Great haul!