Hello everyone Hancider here

Started by Hancider, May 11, 2007, 07:07:12 AM

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Hi everyone I am Hancider and just joined the forum here today.  My real name is Tim and I am a 28 yr old engineer from Ohio.  I have been listening to the podcast for about a month or two give or take. I like it a lot and I really love the full length episode podcasts. It is like watching a star trek episode while at work sometimes I almost feel guilty about it, almost that is.

    Well I have been a Star Trek fan really since TNG. That was the series I grew up on and is probably my favorite though I have found that all of the series have rotated through my favorite category depending on the time and my interests. Currently I have been watching the remastered TOS, Voyager and Enterprise right now.  And I agree with Rico that Enterprise is pretty good and I think it was given a bad rap.  In some ways Enterprise reminds me of a current day TOS.  It never really got great ratings like TOS. Went for 4 seasons, only 1 more than TOS and it was less cerebral and civilized than TNG or the series after it, much like TOS is.

    Anyways sorry to get into an essay here and my Enterprise/TOS comparisons and can wait for another post anyways I just want to say hello to everyone and I hope to post to you all on the forums soon.
What was the biggest problem with the Prequels?  One thing, NO HAN SOLO!!  Oh yeah you know it.


Welcome Han-   :dstar

Good to have a fellow TNG fan on the forums!  You will enjoy it here. 

and yes, you will be assimilated.   :borg

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


That's cool my eyes were going bad anyways.
What was the biggest problem with the Prequels?  One thing, NO HAN SOLO!!  Oh yeah you know it.


Welcome Hancider to our little group. Sounds like you'll fit right in here. 


Thank you StarTrekFan I am sure that I will.  By the way I am interested in participating in the forum RPG how exactly do I start doing that.  Anyways thanks for the welcome.
What was the biggest problem with the Prequels?  One thing, NO HAN SOLO!!  Oh yeah you know it.


Awesome!!! check out the RPG section. Start by  creating a character profile... let us know what department you would like to be in and then Jen or I will assign you a rank and position.


Thanks I will get right on that.  Hey I have a question why do we have the RPG section of the forum only available for members to view.  Before I registered I tried to find it just to get a look at what the RPG was all about and I couldn't of course.  It was very strange at first I thought that maybe the RPG had a totally different forum but then I finally assumed that it was something I had to be a member to see.  This is ok I guess but I think it limits the exposure that the RPG gets to the public that here about it on the podcast and website. I know that it kinda annoyed and confused me and it may have others.  Is there a reason it is this way or is it just an oversight or preference that you have.
What was the biggest problem with the Prequels?  One thing, NO HAN SOLO!!  Oh yeah you know it.


The RPG is for Members only. If you wish to enjoy it you must sign up. We didn't do it to confuse or annoy anyone. We did it to get more members to join this great forum.


Yes I do understand what you are saying Trek Fan and I didn't mean to sound like I thought you guys were doing a bad job or anything because I don't and I can't wait to make my character and start participating.  I guess what I was really suggesting is having a locked thread or sub forum that has a basic description of what an forum RPG is and maybe have a sample section of the last storyline included to show people exactly how it works.  It is basically what you did on the podcast this last week but in a written form.  That way when they visit the forums they can look at that and say "cool I can do this I better go sign up" that is all I was meaning to say and I apologize if I stuck my foot in my mouth I will try to chew through the really tough parts and soldier on . lol
What was the biggest problem with the Prequels?  One thing, NO HAN SOLO!!  Oh yeah you know it.


:) no offense taken... and I think that is a good idea about making a "RPG preview" thread for non-members to look at.  Thanks for the suggestion.


Cool now comes the hard part I have to make a character to play with any particular position you guys are in need of on the ship. I have been looking at your character profiles trying to flesh something out do you have any advise for me.
What was the biggest problem with the Prequels?  One thing, NO HAN SOLO!!  Oh yeah you know it.


That's a tough questions just because there a quite a few people who signed up but don't really participate... We have a Captain, XO, Couselor and Doctor... pick anything else and I think you'll be okay.  Once we figure out which people are still playing and if a chief position opens up we can talk about moving people up.  We can use more medical people.. we have only one Doctor. Most people are Tactical and Security... where the action is.


Welcome to the fun Hancider!  Cool handle.  Currently I'm in Taiwan on business so not on the forums as much.  But I know everyone will make you feel welcome.


Thanks Rico I am glad you like the handle. There is a little bit of a story behind it but the Han does stand for Han Solo of course.  The cider part is from a time back in high school when I drank some three month old cider in front of my friends.  It was funny at the time at least of course like many things done in high school or college it seems kinda dumb now. Anyways I brought the two together and they just kinda stuck, its been my handle for the longest time and the nice thing is it is unique enough that I don't have to add any random numbers to the end of it that can be a little annoying sometimes.  Well i just wanted to say thank you Rico for your podcasts and for starting this community and I hope that i will be able to be a good contributor to it. So have fun over there in Taiwan and I pray that you will have a good trip and arrive safely back home.
What was the biggest problem with the Prequels?  One thing, NO HAN SOLO!!  Oh yeah you know it.
