Roswell (TV Series)

Started by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, June 12, 2007, 01:20:51 PM

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Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Does anyone here like the TV series Roswell?  It had a three year run which each season being distinctively different, plus it was fortunate to know about cancellation in advance, allowing the show to come to a solid conclussion.  It's a mix of The X Files-style alien stories and teen drama, but it's quite good.


I only saw season one... but plan on going back and watching the rest of the the two seasons. I liked what I saw.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard

All three seasons are on DVD for $30 each.  :) Season 2 features a heavier focus on science-fiction over friendships, relationships, and conspiracies.  Season 3 is a blending of Seasons 1 and 2 taking the best from each.  It also drops the highschool backdrop (they'll all seniors at this point) in favor of putting the characters in more adult situations like marriage, holding jobs, and so forth.  The series finale revolves around the characters graduating high school and the return of the FBI special unit (alien hunters).  It is a rushed finale, but it's quite good.  The penultimate episode also features a surprise return of a special character.  Season 3 is the shortest season (UPN slashed the episode order from 22 to 18), but it's also the best. 8)