Dashboards and Garden Plots

Started by moyer777, June 30, 2007, 03:21:08 PM

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Hey everyone.  I am on vacation this week, so I thought it would be fun since I have more time on my hands to take some... yes you guessed it!  MORE PICTURES!  Since we will be going out of town tomorrow to take some pics, I thought I would share a few from home ....

Here is a cool white rose from our rose bush in the back yard.  We get a lot of roses out of this bush.. It's very pretty, I'll try and get a picture of the cool big white spiders that climb all over it too....

Now here is the dashboard of our new PT Cruiser, very fun, it looks old, but everything is digital too.  At night it is really cool.  I love little lights... always have!

We've got two little garden plots in the backyard, this being the one that is doing best.  Check it out.

It rains so much here, I thought I would catch a rainbow... this is right outside our front door....here you go...

And then my wife and I made cool hanging baskets with some potting soil and a few plants from the nursery at Walmart.  They turned out nicely...

I hope you enjoyed the photos!  I'm going to go see if I can get that white spider!


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Very nice pics Rick.  Looks like a great place to live.  Car inside shot looks very cool.


I like the dash Rick! It's kind of retro with a mod look!

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


yes, that is why I like it so much, it looks old but has the modern feel to it.  Very cool.

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