Even George thinks Han Shot first!

Started by Rico, July 16, 2007, 04:33:27 PM

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Check out this picture from the set of the next Indiana Jones movie.  Check out George's shirt!   :roflmao


That was Lucas or a different George? he-he marketing hi own items (if it is George!)
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The guy in the picture on the right side is the George Lucas.  He is wearing a shirt that says "Han shot first."  And he is the one that changed that shoot out when he did the Special Edition of Star Wars.  Seems a strange thing to see him wearing.  I have a feeling he regrets his decision to change that.


Is it just me or does Harrision Ford look old as dirt LOL. And I am sure George knows that he screwed up that scene and I am glad to see that he is starting to admit it too himself and others.  Now the only thing he needs to do is change it back I mean revisionism is his speciality it should be old hat to him by now LOL.
What was the biggest problem with the Prequels?  One thing, NO HAN SOLO!!  Oh yeah you know it.


I think Harrison looks fine for a guy who just turned 65.  He doesn't try to hide it at all.  Keep in mind that's a quick still capture frame off a video clip.  Not the best type of way to get your picture taken I'm sure.


yeah Harrison Ford has really aged a lot.  I I'm surprise hes doing another Indiana Jones movie LOL
"If it wasn't for us [SG-1], you would have a snake up your head instead of your head up your ***." -Colonel O'Neil


I actually think Harrison looks pretty good for 65.


Agreed, he looks great for his age, the trick will be to make an Indiana Jones movie reflecting his age.


Just like on my recent podcast covering "Relics",  older folks can still contribute!  I'm still betting he can swing a mean bullwhip!


Correction...he doesn't look "good for his age", he looks GREAT. Ever hear the phrase, "the older the violin the sweeter the music"? What happens to wine when it ages? Duh...It gets better. He can still turn this young woman's head...especially if he's wearing the fedora.  ;)
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