Advise on my blog, please

Started by Chief, August 23, 2007, 06:25:52 AM

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Hey guys

I need a little advise on what direction I should take my blog.

I've been blogging for years now (since 94) and I've been in and out of it due to various reasons. The recent version of it it's called Reality Distortion and I tried to blog a little about games, music, movies, sci fi and personal stuff. I even had a newsletter that I couldn't  keep up doing. Oh and I had a lot of ideas for my own web comic.

This year has been very slow for my blog because of tons of personal crap and I am now ready to move on and resume life.

Now my question is: Where do I take my blog to? Do I keep on blogging about personal stuff? Do I blog about sci fi? Should I focus on my webcomic?

At any rate, I love writing and I could even post some fiction work.

What would you guys do?

My current blog is here:

"The Needs Of The Many, Out Weigh The Needs Of The Few, Or The One..."
Mr. Spock


Guess it depends what purpose you want your Blog to serve.  Some people like to just use them to sort of highlight things going on in their life, etc.  Others like to post stories that interest them, etc.  One thing I've learned from podcasting is if you want other people to see your web site you need sort of a hook to bring them there every so often.  A new podcast, or a comic, etc. 

Not sure if this helps, but at least that's been my experience.


I guess in the end you need to blog about things that will motivate you to blog. If you hate puppies and you decide to start a blog about puppies you probably won't be very motivated to post (and you'd be a horrible person for hating puppies on top of it!)


Thanks guys. I am starting to think more clearly on what I am going to do. Not sure if it will be a podcast, but since I trully enjoy drawing a webcomic doesn't sound that bad at all.

"The Needs Of The Many, Out Weigh The Needs Of The Few, Or The One..."
Mr. Spock