3000th Post

Started by Geekyfanboy, September 08, 2007, 11:15:04 AM

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Wow.. this is it.. this post will be my 3000th post.

I know some of you don't like people bringing up post count but this is huge. I belong to several forums but hardly ever post. To be able to say I have hit 3000th is a great accomplishment for me and the majority of the post aren't just one word comments :) .

Treksf is like my home away from home. I have found many friends here and even though we haven't met eye to eye, I would consider many of them life long friends.

Now if I could only catch up to Rico  :biggrin


Congrats on the big 3000 Kenny!

How did you find Treksf?

(I discovered it on iTunes myself)


I did the same.. typed in Star Trek in itunes when I first heard about podcasts. Treksf had just posted there Beta cast.. I listened and really enjoyed. I think it was his next podcast where he mentioned that he created a forum and I went and was seventh to sign up and the rest is history.. it's one of my favorite places on the web and one of my favorite podcast.


Congrats Kenny.  I very much appreciate your contributions to the forums and the podcast.  Thanks for sticking with me and all the good folks here for so long.


I too want to congratulate you Kenny!

That is a cool thing.  3000!  Woo hoo!

I too found this forum and podcast on itunes.  I remember I emailed Rico after I had downloaded a bunch of podcasts last December?  I think around there, and then he read my email on the podcast that next week.  How cool that was.

From there I have really enjoyed the forum and the podcast is simply one of the best out there!

I have made some very cool friends here and I love hanging out and posting. 

Thanks Kenny and Rico for all you do! :laugh:


I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Congrats Kenny on hitting 3000, and thanks for the all the infromation you have shared with us on these forums.


Once again congratulations on your 3000th post..........as a newbie here i still have a ways to go to catch you up.....but who knows !!!!!!!

I like to here your comments on the podcast , very insightfull and always interesting

keep on keeping on

regards Lee (AKA Kamin)