Book repair

Started by billybob476, October 25, 2007, 10:34:09 AM

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I have some of the older West End Games Star Wars sourcebooks (The rebel Alliance Coursebook, Imperial Sourcebook, Death Star Technical Companion, etc..) that I bought a long time ago (in a comic book store far, far away!)

Unfortunately these books didn't seem to be bound very well and a lot of pages have started coming out of them. Does anyone know of how I could potentially get these books re-bound or repaired? I'd hate to lose these great books.


Depending on where you live (big city, better chance) there is probably a local book bindery that could do the job for you. I would locate one and take the books there for an estimate of costs. You might be surprised though that it may cost you more than you originally paid for the books.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Yeah - it almost might be cheaper to buy them again off eBay.


Look like they run about 20 bucks + shipping on ebay, not too bad. I can upgrade to a hardcover.