Dickens like it was intended!

Started by wraith1701, December 17, 2008, 06:12:53 PM

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I was listening to NPR on my drive home tonight, and heard a pretty cool story.  It seems that a major library is working on a project to scan many of Dicken's works in their original, serialized form, and put them online for the public to check out for free!  This means being able to check out works like A Tale Of Two Cities just as readers did when they were first published-- in serialized sections, complete with the illustrations and ads that were included in the original releases. 

Check it out-


Many of his works that we now purchase as super-dense paperbacks were initially released in a format VERY similar to modern comic books; illustrations, advertisements, and all-

Call me a geek; but I think this is pretty cool!  ;D


I think anything that will get young people reading Dickens again is worth the effort! I prefer the whole novel so I can hold it in my hands and read at my own pace but I know we have a whole different generation here and this may be the best way to actually reach them.

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