Build your own Force FX Lightsaber from MR

Started by Rico, September 09, 2007, 12:40:12 PM

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Maybe someone here can get one for you and mail it?
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I might give that a try if does not show up in canada. Hopefully MR and Radio Shack have more info in the next month or so.


I saw this last night at Radio Shack and I have to say I was disappointed.  The three pieces fit together loosely and are all plastic.  The LED blade is smaller than a normal Force FX saber, more like the size of the Yoda scaled Force FX saber.  For $100 I would much rather buy another nice full Force FX saber with a metal hilt.  I was excited by this set at first but I think I'll be passing on this one.


Thanks for the review, I had heard some other reports as well with the same thoughts. I will pass on this one, to bad as it was a cool idea.


Ah, that's disappointing, but good to know Rico. I don't want to buy it if it's not quality. One hundred bucks is a lot to spend on a toy, especially if it's lacking.

I've been thinking of designing and building my own EL lightsaber. You can buy most of the parts you need from Radioshack or from this company:

I think I'll probably sculpt and cast my own hilt, either in resin or bronze as I used to be a bronze sculptor.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


That's a neat site Jen.  Yeah this kit wasn't all I was hoping for.  Check it out at Radio Shack first before buying.
Cast your own hilt - sounds very cool!
