Is it a grumpy world?

Started by Rico, November 15, 2007, 06:04:22 AM

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I wouldn't say it's a grumpy world, I would be more inclined to say it's a cynical, self absorbed, bifurcated world where everyone seems to be under the mistaken impression that they are entitled to everything while doing nothing and are completely unwilling to act beyond their own self interest. That's what you see int he faces at Wal-Mart.


I guess we have a long way to go until we get to Gene's vision of the future.  But I know I'm going to keep trying at least.  I do make a point of telling grumpy sales people in stores to "have a nice day."  :)


Part of the problem, and one Gene portrayed so eloquently, was our need as a society to have a Fianl Frontier. We seek the known by nature as we are inately curious. The wonder of exploration had been sorely lacking in the world. Without the Undiscovered Country, what else is there to drive up forwrad? Profit? Comfort? The blissfull numbness of mediocrity?


Wow, heavy subject...
Mrs. Rico is a high-school teacher? She would be honored in a lot of other countries like teachers  used to be in the good-ol-USA.

I fight the good fight everyday to not get "rundown" by somebody else's bad attitude. As a matter of fact, my "California" upbringing in the 60's and 70's taught me to be different than the herd (not to mention a firm hand, by my father). That is something I'm proud to carry with me even now.
So I ask you, how more different can you be - than to offer small gestures of kindness everyday? smile and say "good-morning", yield at crosswalks to pedestrians or hold a door open for a stranger and if they say thank-you for goodness sakes say "your welcome!"
I'm not saying that in return you won't get kicked in the teeth, but nine times out of ten people respond positively. I believe a kindness can brightened someone's day more than you'll ever know and that it's self propagating.
The payback for me is the good vibes (that's "warm fuzzies" for all you none Californians) I get from being helpful.
Sure I'll freak-out if somebody wants to park on my lawn or (throw a water bottle). You have to stand up to bullies.
I just try to remember that we are all brothers and sisters - and I'm trying to set a good example for the sake of my family.


There is a lot more stress in the world today.  People feel it, and yes, many are selfish.  I read a statistic the other day that Narcissism is on the rise due to how kids are being raised today, and frankly, selfish people aren't very happy people. 

Thus my mission in life.  To encourage people to smile and see their situation through different eyes!

In my humble opinion we only get one shot at life, so we might as well make the best of it!  You can never go wrong in helping people!


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Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I just heard this on the radio the other day—a fellow Texan ranting about the small size of a package of Jimmy Dean Sausage and why he wants them to go back to the in-between size and lower the price. He goes off on the customer service line about how big his wife is and how much his entire family weighs and why a 12 ounce package of sausage won't feed them. Something else has to be bothering this can't all be about a stupid tube of pork sausage! It's really quite ridiculous how he goes on and on and on about this. Come ON...chill out. I feel bad for his family, he used his name in the call and now it's spread over the world now.   ::)

I cut out the expletives and added moos to cover them. I uploaded it on this audio share site.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I used to work as a probation officer and delt with young offenders, I hate to bring religion into this conversation, but I think part of the issue  is  that in alot of canadian public schools they have taken religion out of the curriculim and have even stopped saying the lords prayer.

Unfortunately  this I believe has let to not teaching of tolerance and respect for each other.

I believe that this in part has contributed to the gang mantality that seems to be prevelant in todays schools and  society with parents having to work longer to make ends meet less guidence for young people, which has let to more gangs, less tolerance and manners. Here in Toronto where I live we have had more killings in public schools by teenagers then ever before, at one time this was non existence.

I see more and more kids coming throught the probation system now for increasingly violent crimes,. Without guidence coming from parents, and school being afraid to teach tolerance and forgiveness in case they offend somebody, is it any wonder that our kids can grow up to be grumpy and intolerant of one another.

If we dont teach our children these fundamental basics and they dont get it in school, what do we expect,  plus they are desensitized to violence by all the tv shows they watch, is it any wonder that they end up getting in trouble with the law and each other.

Unfortunately, our society has become ruled by materialism and money, the companies want more, but dont want to pass it on to the little guy, this creates resentment for those that work hard and profit little for it, now with the sagging US economy, families have to work more just to make ends meet. this fact has hit home evan more closer for some and has led to less time spent with family, less supervision of kids.


Well said, Iceman. although I am a non- preacticing Christian, I think there is a lot to be said about the abilities of any faith to give us a sense of responsibilty.


Quote from: Bryancd on November 15, 2007, 12:21:26 PM
The wonder of exploration had been sorely lacking in the world. Without the Undiscovered Country, what else is there to drive up forwrad? Profit? Comfort? The blissfull numbness of mediocrity?
IMHO Bryancd you nailed it. Introversion = Narcissism, Extroversion = Exploration.
That's what I like about the Christmas Season. My focus is on Family and friends - not so much myself.