Taking Wing - Week Three - Chapters 16-finish

Started by Duffster, January 21, 2008, 06:28:30 AM

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So what did everyone think of the resolution?? I liked that they us with a cliffhanger... I am definitely going to pick up The Red King.

Duffster is, The HugoNaut


interesting solution Riker came up with. Way to sue the Klingons. However I think the new 'arrangement' is tenuous at best. They also seem to have taken being hurled outside the galaxy pretty well in stride. I'm not quite sure how far from home they ended up.


Quote from: billybob476 on January 21, 2008, 06:51:03 AM
interesting solution Riker came up with. Way to sue the Klingons. However I think the new 'arrangement' is tenuous at best. They also seem to have taken being hurled outside the galaxy pretty well in stride. I'm not quite sure how far from home they ended up.

They ended up outside the galaxy proper, in the middle of a nearby "offshoot" galaxy.  You are right, they didn't seem all that freaked out; but a lot of them have previous experience with being suddenly relocated.

As for the resolution of the Reman/Romulan conflict-
I loved this book, but I found it kind of hard to believe how easily the Romulans capitulated to the Remans and Klingons.   That entire situation feels like a time-bomb getting ready to explode.

Quote from: Duffster on January 21, 2008, 06:28:30 AM
So what did everyone think of the resolution?? I liked that they us with a cliffhanger... I am definitely going to pick up The Red King.


The red King was pretty good; it blends seamlessly with "Taking Wing".  I imagine that the writers wrote both books as one super-long story, then later split it in half. 


I finished this up last night, and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to the second book now.

I agree that the peace between the Romulans and Remans seems shaky, and something that could fall apart rather quickly. Having the Klingons involved is interesting, as they are not known for peace keeping. The resolution seemed to come fast, but I felt it probably served the purpose of the story. After all the action from the prison escape and the battle between the Romulans and Remans, I am sure a few chapters of the parties hammering out an agreement would have taken all the excitement out of the previous chapters. I found the action sequences written well, and easy enough to follow, as sometimes I get lost in whats happening, but for this book, that was not the case.

I did miss that for the most part, the Titan crew part from a few key people was not really get touched on for the last 3rd of the book. They did followup with a few, but others got shuffled to the back ground. With the way the story was going, I see where the authors could not really fit them in, I suspect in the next book, a lot of them will come back to the forefront of the story.

Happy to see Spock made an appearance and I found he did not pull to much attention away from the others. I am not sure how I felt how the portrayed his reunification mission, as it seems like the Federation is not really on board with it anymore, since they were wanting to scrap it. At times I felt they made Spock out to be very narrow minded in terms to what he felt was the keys to reunification and resolving the conflict between Romulans and Remans. At the end they seemed to come back to his way of thinking.

Really looking forward to the next book. I like how they have been tossed into another Galaxy, and I really can only imagine what will happen.

Great book, and definitely better then I was expecting.


I liked how the book ended up too.  Obviously a bit of a setup for the next one, but I was ok with that.  I think one of the best things I enjoyed was how they worked to make Riker his own type of Captain and different than Picard.  I enjoyed his different approach on things and command.


Well not everyone can be the preeminent diplomat. That is by far Picard's forté. Riker is more of a man of action I think. I also think in future books there is going to be conflict between Troi and Vale. As much as Riker says having his wife on his senior staff will not affect his decisions, I am confident it will.

I actually think it's odd that Starfleet would allow such an arrangement, especially since this is Riker's first command and he has yet to prove himself as a CO.


I agree that Riker is more of a man of action, and I like seeing the differences between him and Picard. I agree that there will be conflict between Troi and Vale as well, but might work for Riker in they will give him differing views on something, similar to the way Kirk had Spock and McCoy. I also see that some conflict will come between Riker and Troi, as there were times in the book where she was not happy with his decisions. Notably being left out of the final negotiations between the Romulans and Remans that Riker and Spock undertook.