Ready Room # 2 is up!

Started by Rico, February 06, 2008, 03:39:31 PM

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Just post up the latest "Ready Room" Microcast (#2) in the feed.  This latest edition brought to you by Kenny, Jen and Rick Moyer.  Enjoy!


I'm listening to it now as I rip CDs to my new 500 gig external and see what a additional gig of memory does to my laptop.

I'm really enjoying this microcast thing! It's pretty good as a mid week fix for my Treks in Scifi addiction.


I'm enjoying the Ready Room podcast as well... My only complaint is that it's too short!  I need MORE!  (just kidding, sorta)

Keep up the great work, Kenny and Jen!  Looking forward to the next one. :)


Whew!!!!!! I am currently, as I type, downloading it.

<img border=0 src= width=400 height=100>

You all lost THE GAME.


great work on the ready room....keep on reading....i am listening. Could use some more interviews like Rick's,  lets hear from the characters. Lastly, someday i would like to join, but for now have to appreciate it from afar.  I am listening though, so keep them coming.