Lucasfilm sues Gencon over C4

Started by Rico, February 18, 2008, 05:00:37 AM

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Well, I doubt Lucas will be working with Gencon in the future.  It seems they weren't happy with the last Celebration 4 convention.

"There's some big news that just came onto the radar: Lucasfilm is suing Gen Con over issues with Celebration IV! While the case is stamped January 10th, this is the first I've heard anything about it. You can read the full complaint but here are the allegations.

1. Gen Con failed to uphold its legal obligations in terms of financial reporting, accounting and payments to Lucasfilm ($500,000 in damages)
2. Gen Con did not give auction proceeds to Make-A-Wish as they had agreed to do ($150,000 in damages)
3. Gen Con did not give Lucasfilm their share of the auction proceeds ($150,000 in damages)
4. Gen Con did this all unjustly ($150,000 in damages)"

Full complaint here:


I think I read as well that Gencon Filed for Bankruptcy protection as well. I find the proceeds not going to Make-a-wish from the charity to be sad news. To be honest, I was suprised that Lucasfilm went with Gencon for C4, I went to C3 and did not find it run very well, and there was a lack of good exhibits and name guests. C4 sounded like it was slightly better, but still had problems according to reports.


Agreed Jeff.  Why use them again with the troubles C3 had?  And yes, I heard they were filing for bankruptcy.  Sad.