The Enterprise season that could have been...

Started by wraith1701, February 15, 2008, 07:08:01 PM

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A member at a model-building forum that I frequent posted a link to this entry from Memory alpha.  I don't know if anyone has seen it yet, but I thought it was pretty cool.  It looks like the producers of Enterprise had some interesting ideas up their collective sleeve.  What do you all think of this?


A fifth season of Star Trek: Enterprise was never produced, since the show was officially canceled on 2 February 2005. The producers, however, had already devised numerous plans for future seasons, which could have started airing by September 2005. Most information is based on comments by producer Manny Coto.

    * A Kzinti episode had been suggested as a prequel to TAS: "The Slaver Weapon", which progressed as far as a "rough rendering" of a Kzinti starship, commissioned by writer Jimmy Diggs. The story was titled "Kilkenny Cats."

    * It has also been stated that the starship Enterprise would have received new crewmembers, including Shran, the recurring Andorian character.

    * Plans existed for an episode showing the construction of the first starbase, most likely in the Berengaria system. First hints to that episode were already given in "Bound".

    * Enterprise was due to revisit (actually previsit) the cloud city Stratos on Ardana showing the formation of the two castes seen in TOS: "The Cloud Minders".

    * Guinan (Whoopi Goldberg) might have been seen as well: a two-hour drama centering around Hoshi Sato was written for Season Five (Writer's Guild-East Registration R18220-00), in which Guinan would be under an assumed name, "Claranna" (relating to Q's line to her in TNG: "Q Who", "Oh, is that the name you're using now?"), acting personal assistant of the head of the United Earth Space Probe Agency. Also to have been revealed: more of Guinan's background, what she was doing there since the time of Mark Twain (TNG: "Time's Arrow"), links to TOS and TNG, the first appearance of Skon, grandfather of Spock (T'Lar's line near the end of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) in a filmed episode, and why Vulcan delayed helping Earth with warp drive. The story was titled "The Treatment."

    * Further planned topics included the Enterprise finally visiting Phlox's homeworld, Denobula. Furthermore, a revisit to the Mirror Universe, which had already been shown in "In a Mirror, Darkly", and possibly featuring Hoshi Sato being empress of the Terran Empire had also been discussed. A return of Section 31, which had its last appearance in "Terra Prime", was planned as well.

    * Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens pitched a story with Alice Krige as a Starfleet medical technician who makes contact with the Borg from Season 2 ("Regeneration") and becomes the Borg Queen. [1]

    * Writer/producer Mike Sussman hoped to have T'Pol finally meet her father, and reveal to the audience that he was in fact a Romulan agent who had posed as a Vulcan officer prior to faking his own death. The suggestion that T'Pol was half-Romulan would have shed light on her affinity for humans as well as her interest in experimenting with emotions.



Wow.. I love some of those ideas. I really liked the Guinan storyline and the Alice Krige becoming the Borg Queen.. very cool stuff.


Shran as a crewman would have been great! I love the idea of a backstory for Guinan too. It would have been nice to see Denobula. Alas, Enterprise went off the air way too soon.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


"I aim to misbehave."


I have heard about some of those story ideas before.  Especially the Shran idea and visiting Stratos.  It's really a shame we never got to see those.  Might be some cool starting ideas for new Enterprise novels. 


Those sound like some great story ideas, The Stratos story sounds like it could be interesting, same with the story that tied into the TAS episode. I guess for me, it is a bit like rubbing salt in my wounds, to see what could have been.


The good die young. I would have loved to see these ideas on the screen.


The series definitely went before its time...

One of the most important periods in Trek history is supposed to occur just as the series ends- the creation of the United Federation Of Planets and the Romulan War. 

In fact, many of the Enterprise episodes set these events up beautifully... we see the beginnings of peace (or at least an end to hostility) between many soon-to-be Federation races-- The Andorians, the Tellerites, and of course, the Vulcans. 

And the Romulans... the season 4 episodes featuring the Romulan remote-controlled probe ship really got my hopes up. 

I really wish this show could have gone on for another 3 seasons!