Paramount pushes Star Trek Xi release to May 8th, 2009

Started by Ktrek, February 13, 2008, 07:05:41 PM

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Pretty much confirmed now by Paramount...

Studio spokesman Michael Vollman said the switch was a business move, not because of any problems with the film caused by the Writers Guild of America strike that just ended.

"Star Trek" will be finished by fall in time for its original release date, but studio executives decided to hold it until next summer, the film could pull in more money, he said.

"'Star Trek' is in fantastic shape," said Paramount spokesman Michael Vollman. "This is all about box-office potential. Summer is where you see the 'Star Wars' and the 'Spider-Mans' and the 'Shreks' and the Transformers.' 'Star Trek' is in that league."


This is from Trektoday, pretty funny stuff...

Hello World!

The Star Trek movie has been delayed until May of next year. Many fans have reacted online with virtual wailing and gnashing of teeth, while others simply shrugged their shoulders and said, "Well, so we wait until May then."

As for me, I was initially disappointed, but that vanished rapidly. You see, there are benefits to the delay! In fact, I can think of quite a few reasons why delaying the movie is a good thing!

I now present the ten reasons why delaying the release of Star Trek is a good thing:

10. You'll get to read Trektoday Star Trek movie news for an extra five months!
9. An actor might slip up before the movie and reveal something to the media other than "This movie rocks, Abrams rocks," or "It's a secret."
8. The camera scene on the Paramount Star Trek page might finally show something other than a dark corridor.
7. You won't need to wear a winter coat over your Starfleet uniform.
6. You'll have more time to get out to L.A. and to try to wangle a scene as an extra.
5. You still have something to look forward to once the holidays are finished and you're back to school or work.
4. Someone will finally get a spy picture of the Starfleet uniforms and put them online.
3. You won't have to explain to family why you're sneaking out on Christmas Day to go to the theater.
2. Your Christmas bills should be paid off by May, enabling you to afford popcorn, soda and Jujubes with your movie ticket.
1. There will be five extra months to try to work Shatner into the movie somehow.

Jolan Tru,

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Great list.  I'll add one more.  More podcasts and episodes I'll be able to make and cover before May 2009! 


'Star Trek XI' Premiere Date Still Not Set

Source: SyFy Portal

Although Paramount Pictures is saying "Star Trek XI" will hit theaters May 8, 2009, sources with the studio tell SyFy Portal that no actual premiere date is set in stone.

Word is coming that while Paramount is simply trying to fill in some post-writers strike gaps, there is still a lot of talking going on behind the scenes on when the movie is best to premiere.

Preliminary indications are that "Star Trek XI" could be moved to Memorial Day weekend a few weeks later, but there may be some grander thoughts on a much more high-profile release date.

"There are a few people here who want the Star Trek franchise to become the studio's new Fourth of July slam-dunk," said the source, who asked not to be named. "I don't know how well that will work because 'Star Trek' is not considered the kind of action fare that usually works as a summer blockbuster, but there's a lot of history behind summer releases that could really help" the franchise.

"Star Trek used to be a summer franchise, but for some reason, in recent years, it was moved back to being more holiday fare," the source said.

Of the 10 Star Trek movies already released, only "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" (June 4, 1982), "Star Trek III: The Search For Spock" (June 1, 1984) and "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" (June 9, 1989) were summer movies. While the box office returns for those films were a mixed bag, many fans would say that had to do more with the content of those movies than their actual release date.

"I don't see any reason why this can't be a June movie again, but June no longer is the type of movie release month it once was."

Many fans were angered by Paramount's move that took "Star Trek XI" off the Christmas schedule, and rumors are still abounding that the move was more to allow some script rewrites on a film already over budget, according to some reports.

For now, however, Paramount is sticking with its May 8, 2009 date.

Please remember that none of this has been officially confirmed by the studio, and that this report should be treated as any rumor would.