Classic SciFi/Action episodes online for free

Started by Geekyfanboy, February 20, 2008, 12:19:32 PM

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Some Classic Sci-fi and Others Revive Online

Source: Yahoo News

"The A-Team," "Kojak" and other blasts from television's past will be streamed online, NBC Universal said yesterday.

Full episodes of more than a dozen shows will be available on and other NBC Universal Web sites beginning this month, the company said. The shows will be offered free but with advertising, an NBC spokesman said.

The complete list of series and their Web sites: "The A-Team"; "Emergency"; "Night Gallery"; "The Alfred Hitchcock Hour"; "Miami Vice"; "Battlestar Galactica" (1978); and "Buck Rogers." "Battlestar Galactica" (1978); "Buck Rogers"; "TekWar"; and "Night Gallery." "The Alfred Hitchcock Hour"; "Swamp Thing"; "Tremors"; "Crow"; and "Night Gallery." "Kojak"; "Miami Vice"; "Simon & Simon"; "A-Team"; and "Night Gallery."

Darth Gaos

This is awesome news.  I love a lot of those shows!
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


CBS Follows NBC's Online Lead

Only one day after NBC announced it would start offering many of its classic television programs online for FREE and with limited commercial interruption, CBS has followed suit and will offer up a similar deal on its online Website(s).

"CBS' commitment and ability to move quickly and aggressively to monetize and distribute content online is awesome," CBS Interactive president Quincy Smith said in a statement. "With offerings in entertainment, news and sports, this is about solving for what the user wants and staying focused around CBS content. Furthermore, meshing this content with the interactivity of the Web allows for more comprehensive experiences around each show — not simply a broadcast model."

The first shows being offered up online that should be of interests to the geek in all of us will be full episodes of "Star Trek," "The Twilight Zone," "Macgyver" and "Hawaii Five-O." Those that are whipped will get a full share of "Melrose Place."

In addition to having these shows stream on, they will also be available from CBS affiliate and partner sites such as AOL, Microsoft, Comcast, CNET Networks and Sling Media.


TOS already up and viewable and quite alot to choose from WooHooo!

oh the choices. .  .

battlestar and buck

gotta love the ol' Wayback Machine!
insert humorous quote here*