Petty Officer 2nd Class: Rava Ronan

Started by KingIsaacLinksr, March 08, 2008, 08:40:38 AM

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Character name: Rava Ronan

Rank: Petty Officer 2nd Class
Position: Ops
Race: Bajoran
Born: 2356
Planet of Origin: Bajora
Place of Birth: Kendra Provence
Gender: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 200 pounds
Body: Fit and light.  Mildly skinny
Skin tone: White
Telepathic Powers: none
Likes: Chocolate, various drinks, earth music.
Dislikes: People who think they are superior
Temperament: Quick to react, loyal, steadfast
Hobbies: Holodeck and creating models
Ambitions: To become Chief of Ops. 

Rava Mehwyn was a Bajoran male who lived in the 24th century.

In 2376, Bajor finally became a member of the United Federation of Planets. Rava became Bajor's first representative to the Federation Council. However he died unexpectedly on Earth a short time later, and was succeeded by Krim Aldos (DS9 novel: Bajor: Fragments and Omens).

Born in 2356 in the Kendra Provence, Rava Ronan grew up like most Bajorans in that age.  In a world under-siege by the Cardassians.  Growing up was difficult but by the time the occupation ended, it had not left Ronan bitter and bloodthirsty.  He entered Starfleet Academy in 2373 and graduated in 2377.  In the academy, he had made few friends but those friends he had made were very close.  He had passed the academy with good honors and was given his first assignment aboard the U.S.S. Voyager.

In 2378 he was assigned on the USS Voayger under the command of Captain Chakotay.  He served under Lieutenant Lyssa Campbell as 3rd Assistant.  On 2380 he was transferred to the USS Trident and served as in ensign in his department until most recent transfer.  While on the Trident he was the 2nd assistant to Lieutenant Takahashi.  He was then transferred to the Tiberius in the wake of the virus. 

Unlike most Bajorans, Rava's bitterness towards the Cardassian's occupation and events faded more quickly than most.  When he entered Starfleet academy, he was deeply religious, but upon hearing of Winn's actions in the name of the faith, his faith was broken and he lost his compass. 

Rava is quick to react with his actions and words.  Due to this, it has gotten him in trouble as sometimes he will speak before thinking.  In the academy, he got into trouble a couple times.  He can be vastly loyal to those he considers friends. 
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