
Started by Jen, March 08, 2008, 07:10:55 PM

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Age: 4
Place Of Birth: San Francisco, Starfleet Medical
Gender: Female
Species Of Origin: Human/Vulcan
Hair: black
Eyes: brown
Height: 39 inches
Weight: 25 lbs
Skin Tone: light complected, rosy cheeks
Telepathic and Empathic Status: none
Body: small for her age for both human and vulcans
Face : dimples, arced brows, pointed ears.
Marital Stats: child... unmarried
Children: child... unmarried
Habits: shy, hides behind her mother
Quarters: lives in his mothers quarters, which are neat.
Likes: Playing with her brother, seeing counselor Margon
Dislikes: loud people. Strangers
Ambitions and Goals: to see her daddy
Temperament: shy, quiet yet articulate, smart and well mannered
Hobbies: drawing and playing with her holo dog, playing music with Counselor Margon

Mother: Commander Sevryll
Father:  Agent David Locke
Siblings: her twin brother, N'vall

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast