Forum Names

Started by Geekyfanboy, January 18, 2007, 10:31:58 PM

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3 Ducks in a Man Costume

Mine comes from an obscure line in an episode of Robot Chicken.

"Wasn't that great? And as an added twist, I'm just three ducks in a man costume! . . . Good night, folks!"


Well another old thread i'm opening up as i know there are afew new members out there. My name comes from MASH as i'm a huge fan of Alan Alda and Donald Sutherland, though Alda's hawkeye is my choice. Plus i'm a bit like Hawkeye in real life (laid back, jokey, though not the womaniser bit so i guess i'm more of a season 4 onwards Hawkeue ha ha). The Meds bit is my nickname, its a shorter version of my Surname which is Meddings.


Iceman was given to me in combat training in the military during wargame exercises by one of my commanding officers as a result of the ruthless military tactics that I used during the training. It stuck with me and followed me through my military career of which currently I hold the rank of Lt Col.


I CANNOT believe I never posted in this thread before.

So my real name is Joe. In my grou of freinds there's at least two other joe's so when we were all in the same place, it tended to get confusing. We were sitting aorund on day at my buddy's place and someone said "Joe". Two of us were there so we both tunred. The other Joe said "Ok that's enough I'm older so I get to keep the name. From now on you'll be..." he turned to the TV, we were watching Aramgeddeon and Billy Bob Thornton was on the screen. "...Billy Bob".

It really stuck. At one point my friends were introducing me to people as Billy. A lot of them still only call me Billy.

The 476 comes from (like many) when I was trying to make a hotmail account. I wanted which was taken. 476 AD is the year the Roman Empire fell so I became Since then I've been billybob476 everywhere.


Very funny! I would have never guessed. An interesting 476 story too... My parents almost named ME "Billie", after my dad, but my mom didn't like the fact that my real name would have to be "Willamina". So they settled on "Jennifer"—thank the maker! No offense to any "Willaminas" out there.

FYI, my little brother's name is "Billy"... I think it suits him better than me. ;)

Quote from: billybob476 on June 06, 2008, 06:13:47 AM
I CANNOT believe I never posted in this thread before.

So my real name is Joe. In my grou of freinds there's at least two other joe's so when we were all in the same place, it tended to get confusing. We were sitting aorund on day at my buddy's place and someone said "Joe". Two of us were there so we both tunred. The other Joe said "Ok that's enough I'm older so I get to keep the name. From now on you'll be..." he turned to the TV, we were watching Aramgeddeon and Billy Bob Thornton was on the screen. "...Billy Bob".

It really stuck. At one point my friends were introducing me to people as Billy. A lot of them still only call me Billy.

The 476 comes from (like many) when I was trying to make a hotmail account. I wanted which was taken. 476 AD is the year the Roman Empire fell so I became Since then I've been billybob476 everywhere.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I really like the name, I keep trying to get my wife to call me Billy and she refuses.


As long as my wife doesn't call me "Late for dinner" I'm happy.  :)

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Mine is pretty easy. My wife would write my name Chris as X when talking to some people we know over the net. Then some of my other friends started calling me X-topher. At that point I said if we are going to use X for my name then it would have to be just X. None of the topher stuff added.

So when making the name for the boards, I wanted to go with X, but they want you to have more than a single letter. I only wanted just the X and thus the name.


My name started out with videogames (go figure).  I'm a really big fan of The Legend of Zelda series and when I was introduced to World of Warcraft, I wanted my name to be Link.  Well, as you might have guessed, Link was already taken.  So I looked around the room for ideas for a name.  Eventually, I looked at the Linksys device (whatever we had at the time, can't remember) and I'm like "hey, that might work" so I put in Linksys.   Probably due to Copyright infringement, I couldn't use it.  So I fiddled with it, eventually coming up with: Sr. Link or Linksr.  Sr. Link at the time just sounded bad so I went with Linksr.  I had one of the most unique names in the game. 

The King part comes from when I started my own guild on my paladin, Linksr.  (Main was a druid which I deleted and then regretted deleting).  When making the ranks (This was before Burning Crusade) I decided to have some RP in it so I went with these:

King, Queen, Royal Guard, Knight, Peasent

You get the idea.  Eventually, my guild rose to 100 in it and many referred to me as "King Linksr".  So it became my nickname and I use it often for forums and such.  Then the Burning Crusade was released and 5/6ths of all guilds on my server died.  Mine died about patch 2.2.  I have no doubt when 3.0 is released, the same thing will happen all over again. 

Anyway, there is my long winded explanation of my name. 

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast:
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel:


Simple explanation here - feathers is simply the first 8 letters of my surname. It's the name I always use on any sot of forum (unless I'm involved in running it when I revert to being 'Mike')

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Mine is derived from 2 of my biggest sci-fi loves- Star Wars and Star Trek.  'Wraith' comes from 'Wraith Squadron', a group in Mike Stackpole and Aaron Allston's 'Star Wars: X-Wing' novel series. 

If you can't figure out the significance of '1701', you just might be on the wrong forum.  ;)


No bloody A, B, C or D!

Quote from: wraith1701 on June 11, 2008, 05:49:56 PM
Mine is derived from 2 of my biggest sci-fi loves- Star Wars and Star Trek.  'Wraith' comes from 'Wraith Squadron', a group in Mike Stackpole and Aaron Allston's 'Star Wars: X-Wing' novel series. 

If you can't figure out the significance of '1701', you just might be on the wrong forum.  ;)
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I have been using davekill since reading of a village in New York state called Fishkill.
Some folks where upset with the name and demanded it be changed. I could not believe how fast people came to judge this community without knowing anything about the people who lived there and I didn't want to forget how easy that is to do.
Plus Kill is the first part of my last name ;)