RPG Express

Started by Jen, April 16, 2008, 06:28:03 PM

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On all fours his hair draped over his eyes D'Callan turned round the corner,

"where are you my precious?"

Opening his mouth wide a cricket ball fell and bounced in front of him, grasping it with his right hand he stood tall and eyed the figures in front, spinning his hand he launched the ball towards them


Shyn leaned on the table resting her throbbing head on her right fist, as she stared intently at the 3D chessboard.  Her golden eyes scanned the myriad pieces on the top tier and then transitioned down to the pieces on the second tier.  Seeing an opportunity to take one of her opponent's pieces she shifted her head to her left hand as she reached for her knight with her right hand.

When she touched it her eyes fixed themselves on her opponent.  Her opponent sat motionless and quiet, giving no sign of emotion.  Frustrated at not getting any kind of  a 'tell' from her nemesis she looked to her mentor for help.  Korridan kept a poker face, and then when he tired of her fiery glare he nonchalantly looked at his drink and began stirring it with his swizzle stick; as if conjuring a spell.

Shyn harrumphed as she made a face and then moved her knight down a level capturing a pawn; she gleefully knocked it over with her knight.  She smiled at her opponent as she picked up the fallen pawn.  Her opponent showed no response to the loss.  She sighed and then sat back to see what would happen next.

The little astromech droid extended its computer probe into the table and accessed the chessboards controls.  A white knight on the first tier teleported away, the square under Shyn's black knight on the second tier flashed red.  Her eyes also became red as she realized what was about to happen.  Her knight dematerialized as the droids white knight appeared in its place.

Shyn growled in anger and struck the table with her fists.  The chess pieces rose and fell in unison, with some of the taller ones wobbling in place until they settled.  She glared at the little droids dome; it warbled and then looked to its companion.  The golden android sitting beside it spoke on his friends behalf, "It was a fair move, growling about it won't help."

Korridan spoke up, "It isn't wise to upset a Phen'rell..."  The shiny android looked to him and spoke in a condescending voice, "But no one worries about upsetting a droid."  Korridan looked into its illuminated eyes, "Yeah but a droid won't rip a mans arms off when it loses; a Phen'rell will..."

The golden protocol droid looked over towards the feline huntress, the sensors on the dome of the astromech droid swiveled to follow his companions gaze.  She smiled back menacingly showing off her sharp teeth as the claws on her right hand clacked loudly on the metal table while she absent mindedly drummed her fingers.

The android leaned close to the shorter three legged droid and whispered, "I suggest an new strategy, let the Phen'rell win..." 


When Shyn returned from the AfterBurner she was surprised to find the common room dark, she was about to tell the computer to turn up the lights when she noticed the large rectangular Holo projection hanging in the middle of the room.  She smiled and whispered to herself, "Its Friday, movie night..."

She stumbled into the darkened room making her way around the hovering representation of an old style movie screen, to be greeted with an adorable sight.  Lounging on the sofa in pajamas and fluffy slippers were Drah'Vhen and Sorena, their feet propped up on a coffeetable littered with candy wrappers, empty bottles and movie disks.  Between them sat a huge bowl of popcorn, and above that perched upon the back of the sofa sat K'il'tik wearing a pair of antique '3D Movie' cardboard glasses. 

When Drah'Vhen saw Shyn pointing to the Hamalki with a puzzled expression upon her face, she held an upraised finger to her lips and shook her head.  Shyn got the message and let it go, she moved behind the sofa to get a better view.

As a huge green lizard head filled the screen melodramatic music rose to build the tension.  It spoke, "Frankly ssssssssSSSSSScaaaaaaaaarlet, I don't give a damn!"  Shyn pulled a face, "What is this?"

Sorena answered, "Gorn with the Wind!"


Enign Moyer caught wind of the conversation.  A belly laugh ensued.  :)

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


The Areoshuttle began its slow decent to the Huston Spaceport, the young ensign looked out her viewport to the familiar landscape below with a mixture of nostalgia and apprehension.  Texas, some people say the only good thing to come out of Texas are football players and podcasts...  But her parents loved the place and if she wished to visit with them, she had to come to them.

As the shuttle drew closer to the metropolis below she could see that despite the Weather Control stations best efforts there were pockets of bizarre weather going on below.  LoneStar was up to his usual mischief again...  She found herself involuntarily clutching her protective talisman.

The God of Texas was not a malevolent one, far from it.  He was mischievous and playful, though he was know for occasional fits of pique.  He feel that only those who still possessed the original pioneering spirit which had founded the state deserved to live there, and so he occasionally tested those who wandered into his domain.

As the Aeroshuttle touched down on the landing pad tumbleweeds surrounded the shuttle like sentinels.  The pilot looked out of the portal eyeing them, afraid to open the door, "Are you sure you want to go out there?"  She smiled and nodded.  He opened the door and she stepped into the warm and humid air.  The sound of creaking dry twigs welcomed her as the tumbleweeds tightened their perimeter.  She took out her talisman and held it proudly before her.  The tumbleweeds parted before her as she strode toward the terminal, after she passed them she placed the Vail of Emmitt Smith's hair back into her pocket for safe keeping.

When she entered the terminal three huge frogs were sitting in the decorative fountain eyeing her curiously as she approached.  She stopped a respectful distance in front of them and drew a five pointed star in the air, and then uttered the sacred words, "Remember the Alamo!"  The frogs blinked in unison, and then burped to her that she may pass.  The first one uttered, "BUD."  The middle one, "WEIS."  And third one, "ER."

As she stood in customs she watched a mansized Texas Twister chase a group of Harri Khrishtnas down a sidewalk past a Taxi cab with a driver inside with a disgusted expression on his face.  He had good reason to be, a small dark cloud hung over his cab raining hail down on it.  After getting clearance from the customs official she headed down to the Spaceports shrine.

After sacrificing an armadillo, she placed a bottle of Metheglin and a bowl of chili in front of the effigy of LoneStar, which many claim looks remarkably like the late LBJ.  She drew again a five pointed star in the air and chanted, "Yippee Ki Yay!"  A scent of yellow roses greeted her, she smiled.  He was appeased.

When she exited the Space port the weather had cleared and the Taxi was no longer being assaulted by its own personal weather system.  A lone Jackalope sat in front of her, it cocked its head at her as if hearing a curious sound.  It winked at her and then ran off to chase a hippy carrying a 'global warming' sign, who began squealing as he ran past the monks who were no longer pursued by a small tornado; but were now picking cactus needles out of each others skin.

As she admired the now clear skies the sleet covered cab pulled up to her and a dark skinned male leaned across his passenger seat to address her with a thick accent, "El-lo young lady, are you wishing to go somewhere?"  She smiled.

Yes, Home...

Home on the Range, where the deer and the Antelope play...


D'Callan lifted his bat and began to smash it into the Afterburner door. He caused a massive crack in the door and peered in.

"Here's Joey"


Commander Sevryll waited until D'Callan peaked through the door then approached him from behind and grasped the pressure point on his neck. He dropped like a sack of potatoes at her feet. She then picked up  the security blanket that was his "bat" and strode away with it.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Rava Ronan was walking up to the Afterburner and noticed Sevryll sneaking up behind Lt. D'Callan.  Deciding to do nothing, he watched and then chuckled at the spectacle.  He entered the room and chuckling ordered an ice-cold water.

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog... www.kingisaaclinksr.wordpress.com
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast: http://wp.me/pQq2J-zs
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/kingisaaclinksr


Waking to find his precious bat had been taken, Joespeh began to get angry, his eyes began to turn a strange green and his shirt burst open, bulking up to 5 times his normal and turning green he roared with anger "JOE MAD< JOE SMASH"

just as he walked off he looked down to realise he wore no pants, going slighty red in the face mixed with green overtones the embarrassed Joe Hulk clasped his groin and shuffled away.