Time to organize my comics!

Started by Rico, October 05, 2008, 12:04:07 PM

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About 30 years of comic collecting here.  Anyone want to come over and help my organize all these?    :biggrin


Strewth mate, thats one hell of a collection.



(I wish my flat was as tidy as your room)
This question has baffled mankind for all eternity... why don't sheep shrink in the rain?


Holy heck! Those are a lot of comic books!  :o  I'm very envious... I can't even afford a single issue of The X-Men.


I'm most proud of the fact that I've read every comic you see in those pictures too!


I'm more impressed that you have got them all in nice packaging. I get so annoyed when I order a comic from ebay and it say new an it come with no sleeve. ooooo i do get angry when that happens.


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Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on October 05, 2008, 01:43:12 PM
I'm more impressed that you have got them all in nice packaging. I get so annoyed when I order a comic from ebay and it say new an it come with no sleeve. ooooo i do get angry when that happens.

I'd expect no less of Rico!


Quote from: Rico on October 05, 2008, 12:04:07 PM
About 30 years of comic collecting here.  Anyone want to come over and help my organize all these?    :biggrin
LOL   I have to get mine organized first!

Seriously though; that's an impressive collection (the comics AND the collectibles)! 

Whenever I reorganize my books, my biggest challenge is deciding on how to sort them--

By company, then alphabetically by title? 

Alphabetically, regardless of publishing company?   

Grouped by subject or genre? 

Which way do you plan to sort yours?


I just sort them by title - alphabetically.


I collect number 1's, as soon as a comic comes out i tend to buy it, not for any financial reason its just something I like doing. Trouble is once I have read it and if i enjoyed it i keep buying that line. Thats what happened with the new Supergirl comics, Batman, Legend, Spiderman (McFarlane series). Suddenly its like woah there are a lot.


I know what you mean.  There are certain comics I've read for a long, long time (Spidey, X-Men,...) and others kind of come and go.  Lately I've been trying to cut back some but there is a lot of great stuff coming out these days.  It seems when I drop a book off my buying list a new one takes it's place!


OH MAN!! And I thought I had a lot of comics!! My collection goes to a raction of yours, Rico!

I could totally spend some days readi.... er.... helping you out!

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Mr. Spock