Quick costume ideas

Started by billybob476, October 30, 2008, 09:36:24 AM

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Ok folks, despite my general dislike of Halloween, I have been asked to attend some type of Halloween "partying". I require a down and dirty costume that will cost little to no money and I can whip together quickly.



Here are some very easy things to do that shouldn't cost you any money...

Ghost.. just a sheet with some holes.

50's Guy ... blue jeans and white t-shirt, slick back hair, cigarettes rolled up in sleeve

Bum ... shabby clothes, dirty

Nerd/Geek... glasses (with tape in the middle), button down shirt with half hanging out of pants.

Punk Rocker... tease hair, make up, torn clothes.


here are some of my cheap favs

modern day vampire: Normal clothing and a pair of fangs
Off duty fireman: Normal clothing
Lawyer: Normal clothing
Undercover cop: Normal clothing
Off duty doctor: You should get the point by now


A stereotypical nerd (short pants, taped glasses, hair parted in the middle).
Firefly Brown coat (that's what I'm doing this year...easy peasy)

Go as yourself and use some puffy paint to write  "this is my costume" on a t-shirt.   :)
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Grow a quick goatee and go as "Evil Billybob."  Hehe!


Great suggestiona all, we'll see what I go with. It's unfortunate I don't like Halloween more.