Nalah Jarok

Started by Bryancd, June 08, 2009, 11:33:58 AM

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Character's Name: Nalah Jarok


Born: 2366
Place Of Birth: Romulus
Gender: Female
Species Of Origin: Romulan
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125lbs.
Skin Tone: Light
Telepathic and Empathic Status: None
Body: Slender, athletic
Face : Pretty by Romulan standards with mild forehead brows
Marital Stats: Single
Children: None
Ambitions and Goals: To clear the name of her disgraced father.
Temperament: Quick to anger.

Father:  Admiral Alidar Jarok
Siblings: None


Character History:

Nalah was born on Romulus to a very powerful family in the Romulan High Command. Her father, Admiral Alidar Jarok was a respected military leader with a bit of a rebellious streak which eventually earned him some out of the way and less glamorous postings. When Nalah was just an infant, her father's loyalty to the Empire was tested by the High Command. He was fed misinformation that the Romulan Empire was preparing a battle fleet for a surprise attack on the Federation. Fearing that the plan was illconceived and would result in the destruction of the Empire, Jarok made a fateful decision. Wanting his infant daughter to grow up in a world of peace, he decided to defect to the Federation to warn them of the impending attack. He was rescued in his escape across the Neutral Zone by the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain Jean Luc Picard. Jarok convinced Picard to investigate the planet where the fleet was to be marshaling but found instead a trap. Picard, with the help of the Klingon's managed to escape back across the Neutral Zone and in his despair over his decision to betray his people, Jarok committed suicide. The Romulan High Command labeled Jarok a traitor to the Empire and Nalah's family became outcast from Romulan society. Nalah never knew why her father betrayed his home...and her.


Growing up, Nalah was forced to constantly defend her family name. If she were fortunate, her tormentors would tire of the game after the first few beatings. Her childhood was filled with fists and kicks and insults to add to the injury. Her family had fallen into poverty, her mother not able to find any steady work, and Nalah would attend her classes in clothes torn, dirty, and bloodied. Her instructors tried to protect her but she would often become enraged at their attempts at charity. She voraciously applied herself to her studies, into the world of academia where she would not be judged by the sin's of her father. Her intellectual growth was matched by both an almost pathological determination to succeed and a cunning which boarderlined on ruthlessness. She was determined to wipe the shame of her family name away forever, or die trying.