Another "Anomaly?"

Started by Rico, October 20, 2009, 11:04:22 AM

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Check out this geek girl and her collection (there was a post about her on the Prop Forum).  She is into cosplay too and seems to create some amazing costumes.


I keep trying to reply to this but I can't seem to be able to articulate my's cool but it rubs me the wrong way at the same time.


One thing that I have seen in person is that women in Asia seems to be a bit more accepting of this kind of stuff than other areas of the world - in general.  Things like anime, manga, gaming, costuming are much more accepted and public there.  And I like that.


I guess it's this:

It's very cool that she's into all the stuff she's into, I take nothing away from that. I guess what bugs me is the photoshoot not only points that out but it also screams LOOK I'M A HOT GIRL WHO LIKES GEEK STUFF AND COSPLAY. I AM HOT. LOOK HOW HOT I AM. SEE MY LITTLE DRESS? THAT MEANS I'M HOT!

See, that came across snarky. I was trying to avoid that. But basically that what's a bit off for me.

I can't believe I'm complaining about pics of a hot Filipino girl in a little black dress.


Don't tell my wife about this or she might not let me come on the forums anymore! Hahaha
At the end of the day I don't care what you look like, its just cool that she likes the same kinda stuff we are into.


That's what I'm saying (in a very unclear way). It shouldn't matter and if it doesn't why make it the focus of the photos?


I think one thing to keep in mind is this was a photo shoot so of course they tried to take some nice pictures of her and not have her in baggy sweat pants, no makeup, etc.  But, even beyond that if you look at the other stuff she is certainly a geekly anomaly.  Her collection is "most impressive."  And she is a pretty good artist too.  I'm certainly impressed by what she is into and has collected at such a young age.


I agree. I'll stop harping on a point that at the end of the day really isn't that important :)