
Started by Mr Atoz, May 11, 2006, 05:22:16 PM

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Mr Atoz

Hip hip Horray!  Tally-ho!

This is my first foray into the Treks in Sci-fi forum.  I am a devout Trek fan living in Philadelphia.  I'm 22 years old and recently graduated with a degree in broadcasting from Temple University.  My first exposure to the universe of Trek was at the age of 3 or 4 with the classic episodes and movies.  I suspect that the first episode I watched was "The Corbomite Maneuver," as my earliest recollections were of the First Federation cube and the vivid colors of the bridge. 

At age 5 I watched TNG from the premiere date with my dad.  Though I was so young, I can recollect staying up late just to watch the new episodes.  My dad at one time owned an extensive library of video tapes of episodes recorded during the first broadcast of Next Gen.   Now, he has purchased the DVD versions of TOS and TNG while I bought the DS9, VOY, and ENT sets.  Star Trek V was my first Trek movie I screened in the theater.  The bulk of fandom denounces the movie as inferior, I still enjoy the film due to the interplay of Kirk, Spock, and Bones.  However, my favorite films when I was younger was TMP (I kid you not) and TWOK.   

My collection is extensive and ranges from books, comics, and autographs from conventions in my area.  I own some an array of action figures and micromachines as well, though no Master Replica props and the like. 

My girlfriend of four years was never a Trek or sci-fi fan, that is until she offered to watch The Voyage Home one evening.  She and I have been progressing through the 726 television episodes every week.  Now, she is almost reaching the final season of Voyager.  In future posts I will link some pics of ourselves along with my convention photos (one of which is my avatar).  I could draft pages about myself and the various facets of Trek, but I digress in the interests of time and the attention span of my fellow forum readers.  Finally, I should comment, that the Treks in Scifi podcast is outstanding.  Congratulations on the first 50 shows!  Rico, I applaud not only your show ideas but also your diligence in producing each installment.   

Hope all is well with everyone and may you all live long and prosper. 


A collage I created of the key cast members of all the series.  Enjoy!   Comments are welcome!

If you are so inclined you can visit MySpace at for more about me:


Welcome Joe... nice intro, it's amazing that you can remember so much being so young. Sounds like you'll fit right in with our group. BTW.. great collage.

Mr Atoz

Thank you! 

More pics posted under "General Topics" ---> "Lets See What We All Look Like" thread


Yep.. saw it. It's funny because one of my co-workers was talking about seeing one of his collage friends from Temple today and then I read your post and saw that you went to Temple also.. I clicked on your "my space" and showed my friend your picture. He graduated 2005 and majored in Broadcasting too. He said he remembers you from classes. Small world, btw my friends name is Michael Pagano

Mr Atoz

Incredible...I think he was in my advertising class.  Not sure exactly.  I do remember Mike though.  Has he found some employment is his chosen field?  As for myself, still looking while working as a temp employee in an office. 

Small world indeed!


Joe, a big welcome to the fun!  Sounds like you will fit right in here.  Thanks for sharing about yourself and your collection.  Happy to have you aboard.  Nice collage too!


Quote from: Mr Atoz on May 11, 2006, 06:35:00 PM
Incredible...I think he was in my advertising class. Not sure exactly. I do remember Mike though. Has he found some employment is his chosen field? As for myself, still looking while working as a temp employee in an office.

Small world indeed!

Yeah he is working with me on a new reality show called Gene Simmons Family Jewels.


welcome aboard... if u like star trek, u will fit right in...
Star Trek Will Rise Again


Welcome, I loved your introduction, it was nice and juicily detailed. It's great that you like Trek as much (if not more) than the rest of us. Again, like Picard said, you'll fit right in, and enjoy your posting here on the Treks in sci-fi forums ;D
"Do a barrel roll" - Peppy, StarFox 64
"Coincidence... I think NOT!" - Bear, Polkadot Shorts
"If at first you don't succeed... you fail" -Portal preview

Admiral Anthony Out

Mr Atoz

I appreciate the welcome everyone! 


Welcome aboard! The more Trek fanatics the better!
Visit the Unofficial Treks n Sci-Fi RPG forum


i totally agree with spock... im sure u all do...
Star Trek Will Rise Again