AION - new MMO

Started by Rico, September 06, 2009, 04:24:33 PM

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Played around a little this evening in the Beta for the upcoming AION MMO game from Ncsoft.  This is another fantasy based MMO, much like Everquest or WOW - to a degree.  Only played for maybe 45 minutes so far.  Reminds me of the look of Everquest II quite a bit.  Anyway, the servers were lagging a bit but here are some screenshots.  I made a female mage and blasted stuff for a bit.  I'll put the link below to the Beta info.  You do need to get a beta key from File Planet or elsewhere to play.  I signed up for File Planet for one month for like $6.95 to get my key.  Anyway, thought some folks might be interested.


How are you finding this Rico? I haven't been paying much attention on account of this being yet ANOTHER fantasy MMO. Is it really WoW-like in gameplay?


I only played a little of the beta and it didn't grab me enough to try the full game that is out now.  Still enjoying WOW quite a bit.  And Mark is back playing with me on WOW via Recruit a friend (ahh - triple exp!)


Yeah, I realized I didn't have the time for Eve (to play it properly at least) and Champions Online is fun...but I see it getting old for me very soon.

I sense my WoW break coming to an end very shortly.