Vidcast # 246 - Trek Fan Films

Started by Rico, September 27, 2009, 08:13:10 PM

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Sorry about the big download.  Next time, I'll try and encode a smaller version too, for those on slower connections.  Enjoy the cast!

P.S.  Nice new avatar!   ;)


Quote from: Rico on September 30, 2009, 11:49:26 AM
Sorry about the big download.  Next time, I'll try and encode a smaller version too, for those on slower connections.  Enjoy the cast!

P.S.  Nice new avatar!   ;)

It's fine, I can wait a few days if I have too. I'm a pretty patient person.


Very nice job on the video podcast Rico.  The video was full screen for me in iTunes vs. normal smaller size, but no problems downloading or playing.  The podcast seemed so deceptively straightforward in terms of transitions, consistent video quality and audio, etc. that I immediately think "he worked hard on this!"  So great job as always, and now to go check out those "other" sites.



Thanks much Vartok.  I appreciate the kind words and glad you enjoyed the vidcast.


Well done on the vid-cast and I have to say that you've stung me into watching some of these productions.

I'm looking at the Phase II stuff at the moment and am considering something like the Odyssey too although I find the real sets of the former add a little bit more to the overall result than the pure CG of the latter. Either way, there look to be some interesting stories around - thanks for getting me to take another look!

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Glad to help out and peak your interest.  That was my goal.


Did finally watch this, thanks for the info on some of these, I'll definitely be looking them up.  The only ones I've watched are Gods and Men and Phase 2.  Phase two I'm still iffy on...but, maybe they'll pull through their transition.

Thanks Rico!

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