The insanity of power - Bill Gates

Started by Ktrek, March 07, 2010, 08:02:11 PM

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I know a lot of techie people adore Bill Gates but with what this article reveals Bill Gates is as dangerous and nutty and scary as Hitler was.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


I'm kinda sitting here, reading it sorta, and all the time 

I realize that's not the greatest response in the world, but I am just not connecting Hitler to Gates.  Even through this article. 

Maybe someone can "slap" some sense into me.

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It certainly says a lot about the author of the article but I wouldn't like to guess at the truth behind any of it nor how it reflects on the motives of any other individuals mentioned.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


First, if you really think one person regulates and controls the chemical composition of any vaccine you are terribly mistaken.  I don't even want to bother to comment on the rest of this.  This website has a history of twisting simple facts to create basically sensational journalism.  Simple as that.

P.S.  Try this to read a more balanced viewpoint:


It's not the internet until someone compares someone else to Hitler :)


So what you all are saying is that reduction of population via vaccines that shorten lifespans is not evil? Is that not what is implied in Gates statement:

Quote"First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

Now if that is what he means, when vaccines are supposed to extend lives, then I don't see how he is not an evil person. That has to be one of the sickest ideas I have heard of in my lifetime and all you have to say is.... so?

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


You are misinterpreting what he is saying.  He has seen first hand what extremely poor health care, no vaccines, no prenatal care has done in various places around the world - such as Africa.  He is trying to help.  He isn't trying to lower the population.  He is trying to prevent deaths due to the above conditions.  What Mr. Gates is trying to say is if they do a good job less people will die - not more.  That is the goal and message.  Please read some of the articles around the web on this subject.

Also, with specific regards to vaccines you always have to keep in mind that yes some people will have adverse reactions to any vaccine.  But, health organizations play by percentages.  Lets say in any given population of one million that 20% would die from disease "X."  Now, let's say you have a vaccine that will drop that to 1%.  But, a very small percentage say 0.01% will have a reaction to the vaccine and get sick and maybe even die from it.  Do you put the vaccine out or not?  This has always been the case.  The needs of the many,....


Quote from: Ktrek on March 08, 2010, 06:42:20 AM
So what you all are saying is that reduction of population via vaccines that shorten lifespans is not evil? Is that not what is implied in Gates statement:

Quote"First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

Now if that is what he means, when vaccines are supposed to extend lives, then I don't see how he is not an evil person. That has to be one of the sickest ideas I have heard of in my lifetime and all you have to say is.... so?


You hit the nail on the head when you said "If that's what he means". I don't know what he meant but I think your interpretation is a lot different from mine. I agree that if we all read into it what you do then a stronger reaction would be called for but, clearly, not everyone is taking the same things away from this.

Personally, my thought on the vaccines front was: 'If the mortality rate could be controlled by eradicating disease then poorer parts of the world would produce fewer children as the need to have many in order to ensure that at least some survived to adulthood would be reduced.'

I see nothing macabre in that as a form of population control as the method it implies is pure personal choice on the part of the parents. Not at all Hitleresque.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Yeah ... I think you are reading WAY too much into this. First off it's from some odd non-mainstream web site. The article starts off by saying that the author is adding his own emphasis on things.

Next, you don't actually have what he said, only what the author admits to changing.

Then we jump to the sentence you quoted. You aimed your view at the part about vaccines, but did you miss the part about reproductive health services?

I didn't. that's a number of 1 in 10 or 1.5 in 10. Granting people access to condoms and other means of birth control methods could EASILY hit that number without some plot to kill the third world with vaccines.

Feathers also hit the nail on the head about having to make less babies if you can bring the ones you have into adulthood with a better chance of survival.

No offense, but it's articles like this that I despise. There are just too many people that read something on the internet, take the worst from it, or decide it's gospel truth without even checking further. It's far easier to bash Bill Gates because of his wealth than to take the time to see how much he is trying to do with some of that wealth.

Shame on the so called reporter that wrote this.


Quote from: Ktrek on March 07, 2010, 08:02:11 PM
I know a lot of techie people adore Bill Gates but with what this article reveals Bill Gates is as dangerous and nutty and scary as Hitler was.


Godwin's law invoked. That doesn't bode well. Plonk!

About the article:

I don't have to read far into that article to find the first hint that this is a conspiracy theory article. "The pharmaceutical vaccine makers do not speak about the enormous health damage from infant vaccination including autism and numerous neuro-muscular deformities that have been traced back to the toxic adjuvants and preservatives used in most vaccines." There was one methodically poor study by Wakefield that made this claim. He got lots of attention by his colleges, and they all came to the conclusion that he's wrong. That's the reason the "pharmaceutical vaccine makers" don't speak about this!

About population growth:

With industrial revolution there was a huge population growth in Europe.
That happened when the mortality rate sunk and the life expectancy rose. Why did the population growth stop? Family planning.
It's that simple and there's nothing evil about it. Doesn't need genetically altered plants for that.

Abut Bills foundation:

There are two points I know about and I don't like:

1) It seems they put the emphasis on abstinence and are hesitant to advertise condoms. Abstinence is a religious concept and reality looks different. Condoms, on the other hand, actually help with family planning and protect against HIV.

2) 95% percent of the money is invested to get returns. The problem is, that money is invested blindly in anything that brings good returns. So it might very well be that this money works against the goals of the foundation. I don't have any concrete examples, but imagine something like shares of weapon manufacturers that produce those invalids they later care about with the 5% of their money that's supposed to benefit the world.

My conclusion:

Gates isn't building death camps, is he? Or starting a third World War drowning a whole continent in blood? I seriously doubt that.

Comparisons with Hitler are popular on the web for 20 years now. There are rare cases in which this is appropriate, it's usually done by someone who wants attention and is not interested in a serious discussion. Do not feed the trolls!

See live example:
Barney Frank Confronts Woman At Townhall Comparing Obama To Hitler


Extremists...I've always wondered, how they live a life.  Now, I mean that with pity.  It seems these people get so worked up on stuff like this, that they let their fear blind them to possibilities and to life in general.

As Master Yoda once said, Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate...leads to suffering which leads to The Dark Side.  Truer words were never spoken about this situation, about this article.
As Cosmonaut said, quit feeding the trolls.  Really, its all silly.  Until otherwise, Bill Gates is a good man trying to do the right thing.  

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