fallout1 and 2

Started by sparrow, December 11, 2010, 07:47:19 AM

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i dont have a 360 so i cant get fallout 3 or new veges but do you guys know about fallout or fallout 2 is it for just xbox 1 is it good
keep your finger light on the trigger


if I understand what you're asking:

Fallout 1 and 2 are available for PC from Good old Games for about 6 bucks each. They will run on almost any computer built in the last ten to twelve years.



Are they fun? That depends on you. Keep in mind these are much older games. They are pure turn based combat RPGs. There's no voice acting, a lot of reading and these games are HARD. You will liekly die often and if you forget to save (no autosaves) you may lose hours of progression.

The story is awesome. The graphics, gameplay and world were amazing for the time. Just keep in mind these are basically nothing like Fallout 3 or New Vegas when it comes to gameplay.


sounds like cresent hawk interseption
keep your finger light on the trigger