Horizon, news from the future. Issue #5 for July 29th 2006!!!

Started by Chief, July 28, 2006, 06:15:28 PM

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First of all I need to explain why on earth I had been so disconnected. Tons of stuff going on at the same time in my life that kept me from fulfilling my duties as chief editor of Horizon. I won't bore you with my endless babble so be ready for issue number 5!!

These past days had been a turmoil on news and editorials about geekdom due to the Comicon, summer movie season and tv news, so here's a selection of the most important news I could find. Enjoy!

You can either access to Horizon via the main menu on ww.treksf.com or by following this link:


"The Needs Of The Many, Out Weigh The Needs Of The Few, Or The One..."
Mr. Spock


Yay, thanks Morex, finally another issue. Wow, this was by far the best issue. I loved hearing about some of the stuff, ESPECIALLY the lucas arts game and the Lucas arts Wii thing. EVERYYONE READ THIS ISSUE!!!
"Do a barrel roll" - Peppy, StarFox 64
"Coincidence... I think NOT!" - Bear, Polkadot Shorts
"If at first you don't succeed... you fail" -Portal preview

Admiral Anthony Out


Star Trek Will Rise Again


Great job again as usual Morex.  I emailed it out to all the forum members too.


just got that email.... thanks, i like getting the emails cause then i can archive them....
Star Trek Will Rise Again


Thanks a lot guys! I love doing the newsletter. In that way I can give back a little to the community.

Risky, I totally agree with you. There will be nothing more exciting on the Wii than to se a nice Star Wars game. With the wackyness of the controller all I can think is a lightsaber duel game. Woulnd't that rock?

"The Needs Of The Many, Out Weigh The Needs Of The Few, Or The One..."
Mr. Spock


I'm still periodically not having the newsletter show up via your link:  http://www.realitydistortion.org/horizon/
Web site troubles??


Hey Rico. I just checked and it's up and working. I asked my provider for the logs to see if everything is ok. I'll keep you posted.

"The Needs Of The Many, Out Weigh The Needs Of The Few, Or The One..."
Mr. Spock


i havent had any trouble, but i always read it once it is emailed to me....
Star Trek Will Rise Again


Quote from: Chief O'Morex on July 30, 2006, 07:09:46 AM
Thanks a lot guys! I love doing the newsletter. In that way I can give back a little to the community.

Risky, I totally agree with you. There will be nothing more exciting on the Wii than to se a nice Star Wars game. With the wackyness of the controller all I can think is a lightsaber duel game. Woulnd't that rock?
Yes it would, and you know what would be even cooler? If they made the Wii online. I can't think of anything cooler than playing a nice Star Wars RPG as a jedi online while being able to control my lightsaber. My heart is actualy pumping faster now then it was a few seconds ago. ;D ;D ;D
"Do a barrel roll" - Peppy, StarFox 64
"Coincidence... I think NOT!" - Bear, Polkadot Shorts
"If at first you don't succeed... you fail" -Portal preview

Admiral Anthony Out