Internet Jobs...

Started by KingIsaacLinksr, April 04, 2011, 10:38:41 PM

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So I thought I'd ask you guys, how do you know a website is a legit job site or not?  As in, I can gain some sort of employment.  I'm good at detecting BS most of the time, but some of these are crafted well enough that its impossible to say if its legit or not.  I guess it is also paranoia that bothers me as I know this is one area that scams happen a lot.  So I was wondering if anyone had clues, any areas to look in or any ideas.  

So I guess, how do you tell its legit or not?  Or is it just an internet myth?  Or am I just better off starting my own business?  

Thanks in advance.

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I go by reputation with clients I trust.  Like the link I sent you recently is endorsed by Clark Howard, a very reputable financial talk show host and money savings guru.   Doing research on the company online you will find a lot of people who either like or don't like them.  Also the Better business Bureau has information as well.

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