Trollhunter Strikes Back...

Started by ori-STUDFARM, June 22, 2011, 10:11:03 AM

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Trollhunter is a fantastic little Norwegian movie that I saw recently that is tipped for a US remake.....I think they're still trying to get a US release for the original.

It's a "lost footage" film along the lines of Cloverfield or Blairwitch. The story is basically the discovery of lost tapes that show a group of students investigating a man whom they suspect of illegal bear poaching....and I can not recommend this movie enough.

Anyway, I have just been pointed to this famous scene from Empire....with a fantastic crossover into The Trollhunter.

The Troll Hunter Strikes Back - Prequel Teaser


I saw this weekend.  It was pretty good.


I think it's getting a limited release over here.  Too bad it's having to compete with the summer blockbusters.  Looks like a cool film.