Gene Roddenbery's birthday.

Started by Redshirt97, August 19, 2013, 05:49:00 AM

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Hi all to the forum, well today is a dreary rainy day today, kids in school ecta. but today does has some special occasion.   today is Gene Robbery's birthday. the man who started it for us fans.  but not only that there is one other birthday to meantion too, Johnan Freaks birthday is today as well.  now it's that intresting that two persons that were involved in the trek franece born on the say day.  but wait there is more.  today is my birthday as well.  I am not the one who would likes to brag but for some geeks or nerds out there, it would be considered a cool thing.  I first learn about the birhdate back in the 90's when I got a star trek calender for a Christmas present.  I haven't given very much thought about these thing until now.
I am going with the best information that I have.



I am going with the best information that I have.




I am going with the best information that I have.



In honor of the day, Gene is today's Daily Trek Pic!


I am going with the best information that I have.


I am going with the best information that I have.