Podcast pitch and request

Started by Rico, October 02, 2006, 07:30:11 AM

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Over the next couple of months I'm going to try and really push to get some more folks to both listen to the podcast and join the forums.  I've already started this a little.  I'm asking that all the members here tell at least one other person about the podcast, forums, web site, etc. if you can.  I know many have already been doing this and I thank you for that.  But if anyone out there has a friend or family member you think might enjoy the show and the site please let them know.  I'm going to create some new audio promos and banners as well for the show.  Speaking of banners, if you feel like making one and posting it here I will try and include it on a download page off the main site.

The podcast downloads and hits for the site have been going up pretty well the last few months and we have some new members here as well.  I want to continue the momentum.  Thanks for any help you can offer!   :worthy


Along with the above we are coming up on member #100 on the forums.  Only a couple more to go now.  Who will it be?!


Hey gang - we hit 100 members!  Woo-hoo!  Congrats and thanks to all who have helped to make this a great place for Trek and Sci-Fi fans.


That's great news!!!!

Now if we could only get more then 15 of those 100 people in this forum to participate in the conversations.. that would be awesome.

But I'm not one to talk.. most forums I belong too I rarely post.


We have some good new members and hopefully some of the older members will drift back sometime.  I know the new school year is having an impact on that.  Truthfully, I'd rather have a good, small group of nice folks on a forum than tons of members that just cause trouble.


I'm with you there Rico... we have a great bunch right now.


I think the surest sign that there is intelligent life out there in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.

- Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes)


I can also agree on getting more members. But it is kinda nice thinking that there are only a few of us privileged to have found Rico.We don't want this going the same way as Sci-Fi in general. Now it seems like everyone enjoys it, and I remember when it wasn't cool to be a geek  :metallica:
You could learn something from Mr Spock Doctor..... Stop thinking with your glands"