BSG Season 3- Let's discuss the best show on TV! - some spoilers

Started by Bryancd, October 12, 2006, 06:41:19 AM

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I was really impressed with the 2 hour Season 3 opener. I think Ron Moore has took a lot of chances with the end of Season 2 and now the payoff is huge. I was worried it could be a jump the shark  kinda thing, but it has turned out top be anything but. So what did everyone think? Lot's to discuss form the political and social  to the new dynamics of the relationships between the characters.


I really enjoyed the first two hours of season 3 like I said in the other BSG thread.  I also highly suggest those that like the show check out Ron Moore's BSG Podcast commentary.  Really interesting stuff.  And Col. Tigh is a bad-a$$ now!

(moving this to the Movie / TV section)...


Sorry, Rico, I didn't see this section or your post....I hate being redudant!


No problem - the other BSG thread was more about the web episodes anyway.  This is fine to get a thread like this going.  New show tomorrow night on Sci-Fi!


I watched the 45 minute "Story So Far" and the two episodes that are currently available up on Sci Fi On Demand (Pegasus and Resurrection) and I am definitely hooked.  I can see why everyone here loves this show.  Those two episodes (what season are they from, one or two?) were brilliant, and I was really shocked to see Ensign Ro on board as Admiral w/e her name is.  She still looks awesome, by the way.  I am dying to know how that particular story arc ended, or if it did at all, and I am going to try to track down the DVD's before I start watching season three.  It seems like Sci Fi On Demand will be posting episodes as they air but I am going to Tivo them just in case.  Great show though, and thanks to Rico and everyone here for turning me on to it.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Those episodes were towards the end of Season 2. Definatley get your hands on the firts 2 Seasons on DVD and watch them, you will NOT be disappointed. Saeson 2 had some flat spots, but still great drama!


I now have the miniseries and season one rented from Hollywood Video, and am going to spend the next four days on a Battlestar orgy!  See you on the other side!
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


"You have taken your first step into a larger world.." Oh, frack, wrong movie!


Galactica Rumors Squashed

SCI FI Channel and its parent network, NBC, put to rest fan rumors that SCI FI's original series Battlestar Galactica will make the move to NBC. "There is no truth to this rumor," a SCI FI spokesperson told SCI FI Wire.

The rumor has appeared on fans sites such as the Battlestar Galactica Site and been picked up by other entertainment news sites. "Word has begun to circulate that NBC's acquisition of Battlestar Galactica is in the 'waiting-for-the-ink-to-dry' phase at this moment, and an official announcement could be days away," the Battlestar Galactica Site said.


Well this news ^^ bodes well for the future of the series for the next couple years at least
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


I'm glad to hear that, Kenny.  Thanks for the news, I hadn't heard it.

To me this means that they will be able to continue to take chances and do different things with the show.


Last night's episode was good and a big setup for next week's show I think.  Lots of good stuff happening on the show right now.  Really enjoying the season so far.

Darth Gaos

Last nights was great....I hate it when that show ends.  Especially when it ends like it did last night.

Adama is giving his speech, then prepare to make the jump....end credits.....

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO...I have to wait a whole week!!!!
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


Great 2nd episode, a little issue with how the Chief and 3 others wasted all those centurions so easily (we never see them taking them out), but the Adama/Lee stuff is great and hi sspeech at the end was awesome!


I was happy to see that there was not the mass slaughter of humans that I was expecting at the end of the Season Opener. Next weeks episode looks like it is going to be great, looks like a potential for a lot action and ship battle, which will be great.