BSG Season 3- Let's discuss the best show on TV! - some spoilers

Started by Bryancd, October 12, 2006, 06:41:19 AM

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Darth Gaos


During the preview, Cally and Chief are discussing the "ruling class" and Cally mentions she read something by Baltar and then hands him a manuscript looking thing with Baltars face on it.

Granted there is always more to it than what you see.

I am gonna watch because I admit, all my complaining is basically conjecture based on a 45 sec preview clip but a preview should make you want to watch the show and I have to admit this one had the complete opposite effect.
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


Just seems so weird to me since the Chief really despises Baltar.


Quote from: Rico on February 22, 2007, 08:41:42 AM
Just seems so weird to me since the Chief really despises Baltar.

You can despise a man, but still respect what he says.  I know a lot of politicians I'd never want to meet in person but on some issues we are seeing eye-to-eye.

We'll find out tonight..... dundun duuuuuuuuun

Mr. O


I dont know if it is just me, but I have found the last three episodes rather slow, and boring. I Know they need to do character development, but did we really need a whole episode on Adamas wife, we get it, she was miserable, an alcoholic, and tookit out on her kids. Can we get to the trial already.


Quote from: iceman on February 25, 2007, 06:06:43 AM
I don't know if it is just me, but I have found the last three episodes rather slow, and boring. I Know they need to do character development, but did we really need a whole episode on Adamas wife, we get it, she was miserable, an alcoholic, and tookit out on her kids. Can we get to the trial already.

I've disliked two out of the three you mentioned. The last one was better. I think the writers were simply trying to tie up the loose ends of Adama's relationship with Lee's mom. It was mentioned in the first season and that's it. My feeling is that the writers are trying to pave the way for the Adama/Roslyn relationship by inserting the backstory involving his x-wife. His prior experience with women helps us know what kind of husband he has been. We just see him as a leader, a father, and a friend. I think the backstory is a writer's tool to develop him into a potential "love interest" for Roslyn.

I personally don't think they took that too far, but I don't want to see it again in another episodeâ€"once was enough. I want to see them fight the Cylons now, I'm getting tired of the soap opera crud.

My prediction is that they're going to drag the trial out until the end of the season. And then they make you wait for the results until NEXT season. Before too long, you'll be tired of the trial too.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


It was nice to have another episode with the Chief this week. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I had some reservations last week after seeing the preview, but I think it was handled very well. I found myself not caring much for Roslyn at the start of the episode, and that she had actually became a bit of a dictator in that she felt people should do what they are told to. I found myself disliking Adama a bit in this episode, for much the same reasons.

There were a few things that bugged me about this episode as well. I felt we were missing a lot of Baltar and his propanda. To hear that he was writing a book, and that it was distributed throughout the fleet, I felt there could have been more time spent on that. I feel maybe some of the previous episodes they could have touched upon it, and it would have helped the story in this episode. As well him having a lawyer, seems rather significant to be just mentioned. I kept on thinking that I missed an episode. As well I felt there was a lot more story in this episode, so they must have cut a bunch out, felt like they had enough for a two parter. I understand where this is not a really flashy episode for two parts, but still felt we were missing a bunch. As well I found the episode to be reminiscent of Star Trek episodes, where they would get to a certain point in the story, and then wrap everything up in 5 minutes.
This episode hit a bit home for me, as I feel similar at the place I work, since the company is large, and I work in a particular area, that is all I will ever get to do, no chance to do anything else. Nothing like the people on Galactica, but did see similarities in my working situation.


Okay here goes:

Baltar = Marx?  Hitler?

Yeah I can kind understand this because he's a smart man.  He knows that if he doesn't do SOMEthing he's going out an airlock.  He's already one the popular vote once by telling people what they want to hear, it makes sense that his self-re-invention would follow that model.  Tell them what they want to hear about how bad it is out here in space and they'll like me enough to keep me alive.

Very tragic when you think that he is reduced to playing games to live a few more weeks.

The Strike/ Mutiny

I missed something when the deck crew refused to work on "non critical missions".  Was there a Fleet wide work stoppage or just the refinery and Galactica?  If it was just the two ships then the Cheif *did* cross the line.  If it's a matter of the entire fleet shutting down, then I can *kinda* see every "grunt" out there thinking it made sense to stop until someone in authority listened.

Rosalin as Dictator

She's slipping.  "Too bad" isn't good enough and what we have is the inherenty failings of communism coming up.  What do we do with all these people classically trained as lawyers, bankers, and civil engineers, or poets and actors when there's a real need for people to do "dirty work".  And how do you deal with the resentment of "I'm stuck doing my grunt job because no one else will replacement me"?

The fleet is surviving but it's become a sad state of survival.  I'm surprised that they haven't introduced the idea of suicides in the fleet.

I also think it's very telling that it took a mutiny to get the higher ups to stop and see what was going on.  The president and admiral had chances to deal with it sooner and better but didn't.  Big mistake.

The class division was also, ihmo, overplayed.  They made a point of showing the drinking water from nice crystal glasses and the shot to images of the guys 'working the line' where it was dirty and smelly.  The inclusion of the "good kid in the wrong place at the wrong time" really hit out and I was sure he was gonna die.

I think that this was another "binder episode" where they needed and episode so they went to the binder and pulled one out.  A "we need to deal with the way they're producing all the stuff" and wrote an episode to do that.  And we did establish that Tyrol still doesn't like Baltar...

Mr. O


Quote from: MrOsterman on February 26, 2007, 08:56:17 AM
Okay here goes:

Baltar = Marx?  Hitler?

The Strike/ Mutiny

I missed something when the deck crew refused to work on "non critical missions".  Was there a Fleet wide work stoppage or just the refinery and Galactica?

Rosalin as Dictator

She's slipping.  "Too bad" isn't good enough and what we have is the inherenty failings of communism coming up.  What do we do with all these people classically trained as lawyers, bankers, and civil engineers, or poets and actors when there's a real need for people to do "dirty work".  And how do you deal with the resentment of "I'm stuck doing my grunt job because no one else will replacement me"?

The class division was also, ihmo, overplayed.  They made a point of showing the drinking water from nice crystal glasses and the shot to images of the guys 'working the line' where it was dirty and smelly. 
I think that this was another "binder episode"...
Mr. O

I agree with almost everything you've said Mr. O. The situation in the fleet does seem to be slipping towards something other than democracy. Right now its Communist, but Baltar is Socialist.

Baltar's book stunk of "Mein Kampf". It was way too obvious a parallel.  Did it have to be that similar? I felt like they were attempting to spoon feed that comparion to me.

OK, Hitler appealed to a wide variety of people by combining an effective and carefully rehearsed speaking style with what looked like absolute sincerity and determination...I saw that back when Baltar was running for president.  Hitler headed up a gang of thugs that caused all sorts of trouble before he became a dictator. Eventually he was thrown in jail for taking hostages during the Beer Hall putsch (revolt). While he was in jail he wrote Mein Kampf (or My Struggle). Does that title sound like Baltar's book?

I think Baltar and Hitler can be compaired by their persuasiveness but nothing else. Take Baltar's cooperation with the Cylons...If Hitler was still around and cooperating, with the Russians during their occupation of Eastern Germany after WWII, I seriously doubt that the German people would think of him as any sort of hero.

Your right, Roslyn is leaning towards the dictator role. But no one seems to mind because she has a nice smile.

Tyrol seemed to see both sides of the story in this episode. He understood Adama's point about survival and he understood the "knuckle draggers" point. I don't think this episode has made me think of him any differently. He's still a dependable guy.

Over all this episode wasn't that great, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Now...if they WOULD JUST GET ON WITH THE REST OF THE DARN STORY!!!!! I'm tired of the fillers.

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Just finished watching the new episode.. I thought it was a good story. I could see the Chief doing what he did.. he is a man of the working class. I'm so happy they mentioned that they are going to start there search for Earth again. These past four or five episodes seemed like they lost focus of the series. They have mostly been character building/stand alone episodes...Don't get me wrong I enjoyed all the episodes.. in fact I think I enjoyed them more then most of you but the overall story of Galactica is to find Earth and they haven't done that all season. I'm starting to miss the Cylons..

Dan M

I really liked the episode, though it was very talky and I can see the audience clamoring for more action after the last few episodes.  A lot of the points covered were things I'd wondered about their everyday lives. 

It still seems to me that Helo and Sharon have nicer quarters than the Chief and Callie, and you'd think that would bother them.  After all, both the chief and Callie are more mission-critical than Helo.  (Heck, Helo's lucky that Laura hasn't sent him out an airlock yet.)  And Sharon's a toaster who should probably still be in the brig.

I kept waiting for Tyrol to bring up how Adama and Roslyn live fairly luxurious lives compared to everyone else.  Especially where it looked like Adama was drinking wine at the same moment that Roslyn was saying how it's bad everywhere in the fleet.

I'm going to listen to RDM's podcast today and see what nuggets I can pick up.


wow.  My son Andrew and I just sat there when the episode was done.  wow.

Any speculation?

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Here's my quick from the hip:

Starbuck is a central character and one we, as viewers, care a great deal about.  If she is a) Dead or b) a Cylon that will substantially change the dynamic of the show and possibly turn a great deal of fans off to it.  I think it's a dangerous move on the part of the writers to risk killing her off.

My working theory, though, is that she is a replacement model Cylon to replace the D'Anna line when it was boxed.  But again, Cylon!Starbuck is going to have to work to win us back over otherwise the show is bust.

Joss Whedon closed the door on any hope of Firefly coming back.  I think the guys at BSG could make the same "mistake".

Otherwise I am stunned to near silence.

Mr. O


Listen up...its the only time I'll say it:
I was wr...wr...wro...wron...wrong.  :D

Starbuck probably is a Cylon. She's dead. Or is she? I don't think she is. It would be stupid to kill her off the show. Though the writers have done other things that I thought were not so smart. Yet, if the actress had to leave the show then they might just leave her character dead.

Here's another theory:
She was removed from the ship before it blew up. Some mystical force? Leobon? Who knows. But the "mystic" said Leobon was "coming for her". I don't think she was simply referring to Starbuck's discussion with him in the vision she had.
If she did die then the whole "you have a destiny" sub plot would be a "dead end",  pardon the pun. I don't think this is the last we've seen of Starbuck.

I liked this episode. I thought it was better than some of the others.   :thumbsup
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


well we did see her hand on the ejection lever... and if I wasn't mistaken.... Apollo saw the Cylon too???  I don't know, it got all confusing toward the end.

Maybe the Cylons have abducted her? :cylon

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


I wonder if they're setting us up for a reveal into the mystical nature of their religion.  Starbuck is going to become a Christ/Mosses like character.  Dead to them all until she "returns" to lead them to a promised land?

If anything the idea of being "saved" from the explosion by a "higher power" makes the most sense if you ask me.  I'm very opposed to Cylon!Starbuck on the principle that we already have Athena playing the role of the "good" Cylon, and to have two of them would be very contrived.  We also have our "I wish I was a Cylon Oh Ah" in Baltar, and we have the "I'm a Cylon and I'm proud but I'm going to be nice" in Six.

That leads me to think that:

a)  Starbuck is GONE and will be back only in flashbacks.
b)  Starbuck was rescued at the last moment by someone or something be it the cylons or "god".
c)  Starbuck is a cylon and the show's just running out of ideas.

If you toss out C, and assume that they learned from Msr. Whedon's mistakes, that leaves B.

Mr. O