BSG Season 3- Let's discuss the best show on TV! - some spoilers

Started by Bryancd, October 12, 2006, 06:41:19 AM

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First I would like to defend Joss Whedon.. I don't think he "Joss Whedon closed the door on any hope of Firefly coming back." There are many more stories with Firefly and it's crew. They are doing novels and comic books so he didn't close any doors or make any mistakes (in my opinion).

Now to BSG.. just finished watching it and it was awesome. I think Starbuck is dead.. or at least dead in what we think of death. But I don't think the charcter is gone.  Here is a snippet that I posted in the BSG spolier thread.

In an exclusive interview, executive producers David Eick and Ron Moore say that a “profound” event involving Starbuck does occur a pivotal Season 3 episode called “Maelstrom” that is scheduled to air March 4. In fact, Moore says it “will be one of the most surprising things that’s happened in the history of the show so far.”

What happens to Thrace “will jump out and grab you,” Moore says.

The producers confirmed what the actress who plays Starbuck said in a recent interview -- that as of that March 4 episode, she had completed her work on the show’s third season, even though three more episodes air after “Maelstrom.”

So the actress finished her work on the season early and something major and surprising happens in the last episode that Sackhoff filmed. But Eick and Moore don’t want to use the word “death” when describing what happens to Starbuck in “Maelstrom.”

“I think people will have to watch that episode and judge for themselves what happens,” Moore says. “I can say that Galactica will suffer a shocking loss in that episode and Kara is a key member of the crew.”

Just to add fuel to the fire of “Galactica” bloggers, Moore adds that after the March 4 episode airs, the name of a major cast member will disappear from the show’s opening credits. They won’t say whether Sackhoff’s name is the one that goes missing. But they do make clear that what happens to Starbuck points the way to a major shift in the show’s direction.

“It’s a fundamental and permanent change in the makeup of the show’s cast and of the show itself and how the show operates and what the show is about. It’s a very dramatic change of direction,” Moore says.

“What we’re doing with Kara Thrace is profound and is major, and yet it doesn’t necessarily translate as simply as you might think,” Eick says.

That makes sense when you consider that in the world of “Battlestar Galactica,” the Cylon characters, who are locked in an epic battle with the humans, are able to die and be reborn, or “downloaded,” into new bodies.

Of course, Moore and Eick won’t say whether Thrace is a Cylon and whether she gets downloaded. They also won’t say if Gaius Baltar, a canny survivor who’s spent time with both the Galactica crew and with the Cylons, is in fact a Cylon. 

So I guess we will have to wait and see what happens with the new season starts next year.


Well - I just have to say after just watching this last show ---- who was saying Starbuck was a Cylon??  Hmmm???

Yep - I did.  BUT....and I mean a BIG BUT........  I think I was wrong.  And here's why.

Mainly this - it's way too easy an answer.  Ron Moore I don't think would of done all the mystical mumbo-jumbo he has been doing with Starbuck to just have her show up as another toaster.

So, where does that leave us.  She has to be something else.  Maybe one of the final five.  Which yes, I guess are cylons - but I think they are much more.

It was a very interesting episode.  I suppose it is possible she is really gone and dead but I kind of doubt it.  Ron likes Katee and Starbuck too much to do that I think.  Oh, I'm not really buying she ejected or something.  That planet I don't think could support life.  Plus it makes them not even looking for her kind of stupid.

Definitely a big shake up for the show.  Can't wait to see how it all plays out.   :cylon

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Yeah, she's not a cylon. Even the Leoban in her dreams said he wasn't a cylon, just a manifestation. If you follow along with allof the religous symbolism which Ron Moore has weaved through Galactica, Kara's character is going to be their Saviour, for both humans and cylons. The next episode or 2 will deal with Baltar's trial and then they we will see Starbuck's role in this brought back for the season finale. Perhaps the Final Five aren'y cylons at all, but god's of the colonists which only the cylons during resurection can glimpse? It would help explain their quest for a one true God.


I really like this theory.. I got it from another group I belong too..

"Yea... Kara's is dead but she had to so she could become an Ancient/Ascended Being (called Seraphs in the Original BSG Universe). This is apparently what happened to Starbuck in BSG 1980 and explains the "Everything that happened once, will happen again"

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Ship_of_Lights
http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Seraphs_% 28Battlestar_ Galactica% 29


I think I have to agree with that one, I don't think that they would kill off a main character like that and not have plains, to bring them back in some way. I just hope they don't try to bring her back as a cylon. I would hate that because she is like one of my favorite characters on the show.

Dan M

After listening to RDM's podcast, I'm not sure if we'll ever see Kara again, in any form.  The decision to kill her off seemed so last-minute that I don't see how it fits into any pre-conceived bigger story.

I heard that Sackhoff is in a pilot for next season and doesn't even think she'll be available for future episodes.

I hope it's all a big disinformation campaign.  Otherwise, there's no payoff for her story, and that'd be sad.


In Ron Moore's podcast, at the very end, his wife even said not to worry Starbuck fans and Ron said that there is more to the story! How is that not she's coming back?! Listen again...
She also may be half cylon as we never do see her father and her mother's love/loathing of her could be explained by that.


I'm positive she will be back - in one form or another.

Dan M

Bryan, I was referring to the decision to kill her off, because it served the interests of the episode, when that was not the original vision of the script (and presumably any long-range plans for the character).  If you'll recall, RDM said that in earlier drafts Kara turned back and did not die.

I agree that her being a "Hylon" is a possibility, so, as I said, I hope the stuff about Sackhoff's availability is a ruse.

She could be in the movie, which might take place in a different timeframe.  That'd make the Moores' comment true without bringing her back to life.


They will bring back this story line for the season finbale in 2 episodes. Ron Moore would not just dump one of the most popular characters of his series without every intention of having her back before the end of the season.


I listened to Ron Moore's podcast today. He made some interesting comments regarding the last episode. The best one was about the model ship that Adama destroyed. I thought it was a great scene, but apparently it was not scripted. Edward James Olmos was emotional and maybe a little upset about killing off Kati's character. He improvised because he felt it was the reaction Adama should have...I agree with him. Unfortunately that ship was a museum quality piece worth thousands of dollars that the show was renting. Ron said, luckily the piece was insured...he loved the scene.

I also heard some other theories about Starbuck's "death". The Galactic Watercooler podcast offered some of the same ones we all came up with here...but there was one I haven't heard yet:
Starbuck is a Hylon (or Hybrid Cylon) like Helo and Sharron's baby. They mentioned the "nightmares" the baby and Starbuck both had as a possible connection.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast

Dan M

Quote from: Bryancd on March 06, 2007, 06:18:16 PM
They will bring back this story line for the season finbale in 2 episodes. Ron Moore would not just dump one of the most popular characters of his series without every intention of having her back before the end of the season.
Yeah, I certainly hope so.  Especially after listening to all his podcasts, you can see that Moore's a craftsman who understands about setting up a story and paying it off.  To do nothing further with this storyline would be an incredible failure, the first real one of the series, in my opinion.

I will say that I don't know that Moore cares terribly about a character's popularity.  I think he'd off both Adamas if it suited the needs of the show dramatically.   (Not that Sci-Fi would let him. :))

I think the trial will be the cliffhanger, not Kara's story.

I read an interview with RDM and Eick  (I think) a few weeks ago where they explicitly stated that Sackhoff doesn't appear in the final three episodes.

However, I'm too cynical to believe any of it.  We'll see.

Dan M

Quote from: Jen on March 06, 2007, 07:25:02 PM
I also heard some other theories about Starbuck's "death". The Galactic Watercooler podcast offered some of the same ones we all came up with here...but there was one I haven't heard yet:
Starbuck is a Hylon (or Hybrid Cylon) like Helo and Sharron's baby. They mentioned the "nightmares" the baby and Starbuck both had as a possible connection.

They also put forth the theory that Kara ejected and might have survived somehow.  I think that'd be pretty weak.  And it'd make Lee look bad.


Quote from: Jen on March 06, 2007, 07:25:02 PM
Edward James Olmos was emotional and maybe a little upset about killing off Kati's character. He improvised because he felt it was the reaction Adama should have...I agree with him. Unfortunately that ship was a museum quality piece worth thousands of dollars that the show was renting. Ron said, luckily the piece was insured...he loved the scene.

Oh that had to be an interesting meeting after the show.

Mr. O


What if they don't come back to that story line this year and then put us through another cliffhanger with the trial. Which could happen if the rumors are true about sackoff to see if her new show works out. that way they know which way to go with that story line.