Star Wars 1313 (Boba Fett Movie??)

Started by Geekyfanboy, May 08, 2012, 08:20:22 AM

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Quote from: Jobydrone on May 09, 2012, 07:15:06 AM
There was a pretty good Fett game on Playstation 2, called Bounty Hunter.  I think you were Jango in that game, but hey, there's essentially no difference right?    *(ducks for cover)
That was the first game I bought with my PS2, it was fun.


Quote from: Bryancd on May 08, 2012, 02:36:00 PM
Quote from: Dangelus on May 08, 2012, 12:35:39 PM
It would be awesome if new and original Star Wars material like this came into being! It's about time Lucas stopped flogging the same old dead horse! :)

Hmmm..and yet you gave JJ a pass on flogging a dead horse by bringing back Kahn. I knew it was a double standard with you. :)

Ha not quite the same thing. I'd have preferred a different story but they have a chance to make a hugely different story with a familiar character so I'll be interested in that.

The same with this Bobba Fett movie. It could be good. Perhaps Lucas should have considered making a movie like this but setting it outside of the current SW universe where he is limited in what he can do because we know how it all turns out. For example I'm pretty sure Fett won't die in this movie ;)

Why choose Fett? He's a popular character and they can sell good merchandise! :)


This could be great as long as George doesn't write it. :p Seriously though new Star Wars, and Boba Fett as well, oh it would be even better if Jeremy Bulloch would play him but he's about 67 now.


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on May 09, 2012, 03:24:18 PM
This could be great as long as George doesn't write it. :p Seriously though new Star Wars, and Boba Fett as well, oh it would be even better if Jeremy Bulloch would play him but he's about 67 now.
"The Old Boba Fett Chronicles"
Check out our Classic BSG podcast!



Quote from: Geekyfanboy on May 08, 2012, 08:20:22 AM

What do you guys think.. could Boba Fett carry his own movie?

Sure! Why not....although I'm cringing already. Not at the thought of a Fett movie. There should NEVER be an end to Star wars in my opinion! I'm cringing at all of the anti-Lucas snide remarks that are sure to flood the interwebs...setting my back teeth to 'grinde mode' already!! :)


Quote from: ori-STUDFARM on May 10, 2012, 08:54:08 AM
Quote from: Geekyfanboy on May 08, 2012, 08:20:22 AM

What do you guys think.. could Boba Fett carry his own movie?

Sure! Why not....although I'm cringing already. Not at the thought of a Fett movie. There should NEVER be an end to Star wars in my opinion! I'm cringing at all of the anti-Lucas snide remarks that are sure to flood the interwebs...setting my back teeth to 'grinde mode' already!! :)

We have plenty of those right here, no need to surf the web. :)


Must admit though. I've always preferred Leia's Boushh to Fett's armour...

....I'll just go collect my coat and be on my way....


Seriously though, why do you think Lucas is reluctant to base a movie, TV show or animation in a different era? You'd think there would lots of potential there.

I'd love to see something set in the Old Republic or the New Jedi Order eras.


Quote from: Dangelus on May 10, 2012, 10:01:00 AM
Seriously though, why do you think Lucas is reluctant to base a movie, TV show or animation in a different era? You'd think there would lots of potential there.

I'd love to see something set in the Old Republic or the New Jedi Order eras.

Beacuse he has said time and again he has no personal interest in telling those stories. For him STAR WARS begins and ends with the era of the films. Period. From a creative standpoint, it's the only thing he has ever concerend himself with personally. It's a creative choice he makes. Any content from LucasFilm set in another time frame would have to be done by someone else assuming GL allows it, which I could see happening down the road. Especially with the success his duaghter Katie is having writting stories for the Clone Wars...really good stories I might add.


Quote from: Bryancd on May 10, 2012, 10:24:45 AM
Quote from: Dangelus on May 10, 2012, 10:01:00 AM
Seriously though, why do you think Lucas is reluctant to base a movie, TV show or animation in a different era? You'd think there would lots of potential there.

I'd love to see something set in the Old Republic or the New Jedi Order eras.

Beacuse he has said time and again he has no personal interest in telling those stories. For him STAR WARS begins and ends with the era of the films. Period. From a creative standpoint, it's the only thing he has ever concerend himself with personally. It's a creative choice he makes. Any content from LucasFilm set in another time frame would have to be done by someone else assuming GL allows it, which I could see happening down the road. Especially with the success his duaghter Katie is having writting stories for the Clone Wars...really good stories I might add.

That wasn't always the case. For a brief period at least he did want to extend the story out after Jedi. Unfortunately he changed his Mind. There's only so many stories you can cram into the era we have on film, especially as we know how it turns out.


Quote from: Dangelus on May 10, 2012, 10:33:58 AM
That wasn't always the case. For a brief period at least he did want to extend the story out after Jedi. Unfortunately he changed his Mind. There's only so many stories you can cram into the era we have on film, especially as we know how it turns out.

Well, unless you are referring to the period in the mid 70's when he was working on the staory and in pre-production of A New Hope I have never seen any indication that he was planning on ever contiuing the story past ROTJ. And his public position on this has been consistent for over 30 years now. As to how many stories he can tell in the era he wishes to explore, I think he can do a great many things still if he is creatively motivated. It's his choice. I would love to see other era's explored but wouldn't presume to tell the man he should do that. He's free to create whatever content he chooses and I am free to support it or not.


Quote from: Bryancd on May 10, 2012, 10:53:49 AM
Quote from: Dangelus on May 10, 2012, 10:33:58 AM
That wasn't always the case. For a brief period at least he did want to extend the story out after Jedi. Unfortunately he changed his Mind. There's only so many stories you can cram into the era we have on film, especially as we know how it turns out.

Well, unless you are referring to the period in the mid 70's when he was working on the staory and in pre-production of A New Hope I have never seen any indication that he was planning on ever contiuing the story past ROTJ. And his public position on this has been consistent for over 30 years now. As to how many stories he can tell in the era he wishes to explore, I think he can do a great many things still if he is creatively motivated. It's his choice. I would love to see other era's explored but wouldn't presume to tell the man he should do that. He's free to create whatever content he chooses and I am free to support it or not.

No it was later. I've seen it in other places but:

"After the initial success of Star Wars, a sequel was inevitable, but over time, conflicting reports spread as to how many sequels were planned. In 1978, a Time magazine article reported that the newly formed Star Wars Corp. would be producing "Star Wars II, and then, count them, ten other planned sequels."

"In 1979, director George Lucas said in an interview on the set of The Empire Strikes Back, "The first script was one of six original stories I had written in the form of two trilogies. After the success of Star Wars, I added another trilogy. So now there are nine stories. The original two trilogies were conceived of as six films of which the first film was number four." Lucas backed this up with a 1980 interview with the L.A. Reader, stating "Star Wars is really three trilogies, nine films... it won't be finished for probably another 20 years."


Bryan, I'm not saying Lucas HAS to do this, I think we are singing from the same hymn sheet here. We both would welcome it if it happened and I doubt you disagree that the majority of fans would welcome it also.

My point was speculation on how much relevant story telling can be told when all new material is focused on a small section of time and where we know what happens before and after the events. It limits any major game changing surprises in my opinion.


Yeah, that was 32 years ago, he has ever since made it clear that is not part of his plan. I think after ESB he wanted to be done with STAR WARS period and move on to other projects and intentionaly distanced himself from the franchise. But turns out STAR WARS is the best film story concept he ever came up woith and he became more interested in pushing film technology as opposed to story telling. I thin the galaxy far, far away has plenty of material which could make for an interesting story. I mean clearly they have the current CLONE WARS animated which I think is terrific even though I know the eventualo outcome. They are considering a live action TV series set in this era, why not a film? Lucas won't live forevever and I have no doubt that a compelling story can be gleaned from the time between Ep. 1 and Ep. 6.


I guess a show or movie set in the era with totally new characters would be compelling. I guess though if they were willing to do this then there would be no reason they couldn't do a different era and we know he's not interested in doing that.

I suppose like you say his interest lies in these original characters and their stories only.