"Star Trek Renegades"

Started by Rico, September 10, 2012, 03:57:47 PM

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Fair enough Kevin.  But you do seem to be pretty negative on projects like this and other topics/films early on in the process.  I think it makes some of us wonder why you even bother watching them.


I have never been a fan of New Voyages or that other TOS show but this looks really good.


Quote from: Rico on December 24, 2013, 04:40:16 AM
Fair enough Kevin.  But you do seem to be pretty negative on projects like this and other topics/films early on in the process.  I think it makes some of us wonder why you even bother watching them.

My negativity on this project comes from mostly two reasons.

1. Tim Russ's execution and story telling in "Of Gods and Men" was not very good. The Cawley films have been far better stories and more entertaining in my opinion. So when I say I have my "reservations" it's just that. I will likely check out the final product.

2.. The thing that bothers me most is what seems to me as an exploitation of the fan base by "professionals". For me it's one thing for a "fan film" to be made, produced, and executed by "fans". It's a whole other thing for "professionals" to make a so-called "fan" film when what they are really doing is using the fan base in hopes of pitching an ongoing series. Renegades is not a "fan film". It is a professionally made pilot using fan money to do so. I personally would feel better about financially supporting (and I have) a fan film made by fans (Exeter, New Voyages, Intrepid etc.), than I would feel good about supporting a professionally made production that uses the fans to do so. I'm not saying that Koenig, Russ, Herd etc. do not appreciate Star Trek and what it has done for their careers but it looks more like actors who haven't worked much in recent years trying to land a permanent gig and using that fanbase to do so. Anyway, I hope that makes things more clear.

I do recall being very positive about the new Godzilla film. I may not like the casting choices for the upcoming Justice League but that's mostly because of me not being able to stand Ben Affleck. As for fan films like New Voyages, Exeter, Intrepid Farragut etc. I have always been supportive and positive. I rarely ever accept movies uncritically like some fans I know who are excited by about anything if it even seems geeky. And sometimes it takes me a while to come around and sometimes more than one viewing to actually like a film. I still don't like Into Darkness, Man of Steel, Wolverine, The Unexpected Journey, The Dark Knight Rises even after several viewings. In my opinion none of them are great films. They are all mediocre at best. My favorite film of last year would have to be the last Thor film. It was quite fun. In any case as Popeye would say "I ams what I ams". :)

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Kevin - go see "Gravity" - if you haven't yet and it's still playing.


Quote from: Rico on December 24, 2013, 07:34:12 AM
Kevin - go see "Gravity" - if you haven't yet and it's still playing.

I really have wanted to see Gravity but my wife has said she won't go because it looks too scary for her (I love the Alien films but she won't watch them with me). I don't like going to movies alone and I don't have any friends interested in going with me. It looks awesome from what I can tell. Maybe on Christmas I'll have my wife go to a kids films while I go see Gravity. We'll see how things go but thanks for the reminder Rico!

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


2nd that notion from Rico on Gravity.



That looks good. I'm very anxious to see this. I have always had a soft spot for Voyager and it's awesome to see Tim with the ears on again.

My take on all the fan films, whether they are total fan productions or have some involvement of 'the pros', is that at least we are getting Star Trek.
I would trade the movies in a second, if we could get a Star Trek on TV.  With all the shows I am enjoying now, like Arrow, Falling Skies, Dr Who, etc, I would love to see a Star Trek in the mix. TV has matured so much since the 60's, or even the 90's, Trek would be a great addition to a network schedule.

It would be great to see a Trek show done weekly, with the kind of story arcs and character development like we see on shows like BSG, Mad Men, Falling Skies, Arrow and so on.


Matt Munson (fellow prop guy from the Replica Prop Forum) interviews Chasty Ballesteros who is one of the actors in this project.  Fun stuff!



Still looking good to me.  :)

P.S. This is a rough cut clip, not completed in post yet.



Was that Icheb from Voyager?! The two ladies are a little underwhelming...


Yep - it's Icheb.  Keep in mind this is just a little scene.  But I'm liking it so far.


A new music video has been released for this a little early to backers of the project.  Here's a sneak peak for you.


