iOS 6 this week..

Started by Bryancd, September 19, 2012, 10:06:53 AM

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Quote from: QuadShot on September 19, 2012, 05:47:14 PM
Quote from: Bromptonboy on September 19, 2012, 05:41:51 PM
THanks for the warning - i'll wait a few days for the major bugs to get flushed out.
Now where's the fun in THAT? :)
Yes, I am a bad geek!  :)  Actually I get pages from work on this phone, so I cannot risk it being down.  Now the wife's phone.....hmmmm....


Urghh the maps on the update is awful. I want my google map back. The rest is rather nice.


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on September 20, 2012, 12:43:39 PM
Urghh the maps on the update is awful. I want my google map back. The rest is rather nice.

Yeah, been hearing reports that the maps is borked and broken. I figured it would be. Nothing you can do about it except use Gmaps on mobile safari until Google releases their maps app later on.
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The 'Do not Disturb' feature may be useful if I ever travel for work again but apart from that its another drip fed iteration.

Nice, but nothing too substantial.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Quote from: Feathers on September 21, 2012, 02:12:28 PM
The 'Do not Disturb' feature may be useful if I ever travel for work again but apart from that its another drip fed iteration.

Nice, but nothing too substantial.

Yeah, its hard to call this update anything but iOS 5.2 at this point. Which we did not get a .2 update this cycle so it does make sense.
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I like the do not disturb, thats a nifty feature. The Siri update is pretty cool and i like the option to be able to post a photo to FB or twitter etc straight from the block.


I found this pretty amusing:

Basically, if you try to view a location sent from Apple maps, it will redirect you to Google Maps on an unsupported device aka anything not on iOS6. Apple spending all that money and their still redirecting traffic to Gmaps...

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So....anyone else unable to connect to Wi-Fi with iOS6 all of a sudden? Keeps asking for my network password then telling me it's wrong. ARGH!


I updated my iPhone 4 and I don't regret it.

Maps,  not impressed by the Apple maps program as of yet.  But to be fair, I use the mapquest app for navigation as it has given vocal turn by turn direction for a couple of years now, makes a good GPS if you have signal.
Also, there is this trick for google maps:

It does have a more slick feel to it.  Safari does seem to load pages faster and the cosmetic improvements are a plus.  There is a new app specific to podcasts and iTunes U.  Knowing I was losing the old Youtube app bothered me until I downloaded the new one.  I do like it better, comments suggestions, makes it look like the proper youtube page you would log onto on your desktop.

The Passbook app, I don't see any use for at all.

I'd say the reason to do this upgrade is for the cosmetic improvements as well as better speed on the device.


I updated my older 3Gs phone - which I keep around for my kids to use as an iPod (no SIM in it).  I had no problems with WiFi.  Granted, I waited a few days to do the update, so they probably patched that issue.
I am still holding off on the wife's iPad 2, and my iPhone 4.


Just added google maps back on thanks AlanP for the link


Apple is not allowing GMaps to come to iOS6. If your on iOS6, your choices are Apple maps, Safari version or something else. Worst decision you could have made Apple.
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Quote from: KingIsaacLinksr on September 25, 2012, 01:23:40 PM
Apple is not allowing GMaps to come to iOS6. If your on iOS6, your choices are Apple maps, Safari version or something else. Worst decision you could have made Apple.

I know it's quite inconvenient, but seriously doubt it was the WORST decision Apple could have made. It's an app...time to get over it and move on. I'm pretty sure Apple will "fix" their Maps App in due time.


I agree that it's not the worse.


Quote from: X on September 25, 2012, 01:35:19 PM
I agree that it's not the worse.

Ok ok fine. 2nd worst decision ;).

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