iOS 6 this week..

Started by Bryancd, September 19, 2012, 10:06:53 AM

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Well i still have google maps on my phone now, works near enough the same as the old one so i dont think its the end of the world.


I don't honestly believe Apple will be seriously inconvenienced in the long run. Their maps app will catch up and this will pretty quickly blow over. Yes, it's pretty petty when looked at in a certain way but I don't expect it to have any measurable impact on company performance.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


The original Google Maps will be reinstated to iOS 6 devices in a forthcoming jailbreak. There's a video been posted already.


Quote from: KingIsaacLinksr on September 25, 2012, 01:39:44 PM
Quote from: X on September 25, 2012, 01:35:19 PM
I agree that it's not the worse.

Ok ok fine. 2nd worst decision ;).

No, that would be the "Lisa"  :eekout


Quote from: QuadShot on September 25, 2012, 02:57:51 PM
Quote from: KingIsaacLinksr on September 25, 2012, 01:39:44 PM
Quote from: X on September 25, 2012, 01:35:19 PM
I agree that it's not the worse.

Ok ok fine. 2nd worst decision ;).

No, that would be the "Lisa"  :eekout

I had no idea what you were talking about so I looked it up. Um. Yeah. bad. So...5th worst decision then?
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Quote from: KingIsaacLinksr on September 25, 2012, 03:17:08 PM
Quote from: QuadShot on September 25, 2012, 02:57:51 PM
Quote from: KingIsaacLinksr on September 25, 2012, 01:39:44 PM
Quote from: X on September 25, 2012, 01:35:19 PM
I agree that it's not the worse.

Ok ok fine. 2nd worst decision ;).

No, that would be the "Lisa"  :eekout

I had no idea what you were talking about so I looked it up. Um. Yeah. bad. So...5th worst decision then?
Ok, I'll give you that one.


Here is the sum of it. People that aren't Apple fans are going to point out the flaws and problem like the scuffs and maps as reason while Apple isn't great. People that are fans of Apple will excuse the flaws as either one offs or things that they will correct soon because Apple doesn't make poor products and stand by their stuff. So the same exact problems that non-apple fans see as problems, many apple fans will see as affirmation that Apple customer service cares about them.

I've got no dog in this fight. I have an iPOD that I use to play music on my portable dock, a Win 7.5 phone, a few droid tablets, and a couple of kindles. Given my own personal needs, I see no reason for me to ever buy a iphone or ipad, but I'm not going to fault others for deciding to do so.


Quote from: X on September 25, 2012, 07:18:08 PM
Here is the sum of it. People that aren't Apple fans are going to point out the flaws and problem like the scuffs and maps as reason while Apple isn't great. People that are fans of Apple will excuse the flaws as either one offs or things that they will correct soon because Apple doesn't make poor products and stand by their stuff. So the same exact problems that non-apple fans see as problems, many apple fans will see as affirmation that Apple customer service cares about them.

I've got no dog in this fight. I have an iPOD that I use to play music on my portable dock, a Win 7.5 phone, a few droid tablets, and a couple of kindles. Given my own personal needs, I see no reason for me to ever buy a iphone or ipad, but I'm not going to fault others for deciding to do so.

I'm not here to point out every flaw that iOS has. If I was, I would be making a lot more posts around here about it. The reason that I'm being, well, a pain in the butt about this whole Maps thing is that I view it as a completely unnecessary change for iOS. To get into the mapping business is, from my perspective, a confusing and bad move. (Yes, I get it, Apple doesn't want to give money to their competitors, etc and so forth). Apple isn't in the business of data such as mapping or advertising. That's always been other's areas such as Google, TomTom and etc. Apple is known, and rightly so, for selling multi-media products such as Music, TV, Movies, iTunes, iPods, iPads and etc. Its only lately that Apple's been on this change to do everything themselves, from maps to clouds. And they've done a pretty bad job tbh. iCloud is a better job than MobileMe but I trust it less than Microsoft's Skydrive. This Maps debacle doesn't help anything either. While Apple Maps will probably get to the level of acceptability eventually, it'll put their customers through a rough ride like iCloud has and continues to do so.

Yeah, I've been rather harsh on Apple of late. But only because I know they can do better than this or at least they used to. I don't support their decision to kick Google out of their OS either. Not every company can do everything themselves. Not Google, not Microsoft and not Apple. But it seems Apple is going to do it anyway and I don't like it. Its closing their OS down even harder. I take no pleasure in blasting Apple for their decisions. Because their actions affect me as well.
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You're too young to remember, but 15 years ago Apple wasn't known as a music, movie, mobile device maker either. They were a PC maker with their own proprietary operating sysstem and that was it. In fact every item you listed that you say Apple is known for have all occured in this short time frame. See how that works?


Quote from: Bryancd on September 26, 2012, 05:41:43 AM
You're too young to remember, but 15 years ago Apple wasn't known as a music, movie, mobile device maker either. They were a PC maker with their own proprietary operating sysstem and that was it. In fact every item you listed that you say Apple is known for have all occured in this short time frame. See how that works?
Which is pretty funny because I was a HUGE fan of Apple when they were a computer company. I spent my formative education working on a IIe and out first home computer was the Mac SE. While everyone else might have had color systems and games that would run on their PCs, Windows had nothing on the Mac GUI. I gave it a star trek theme before there were such things as themes. The GUI pushed the envelope and embarrassed Windows with things we wouldn't get for decades. The modem was top of the line.

Then came the iPOD Apple. Where as my Apple might have cost a bit more, they pushed things and gave you value. After the iPOD, Apple learned that you don't have to give people the latest tech, you don't even have to give them the latest generation of current tech. You can give them what you want and then add the things that you would have started with into the product slowly. That's when Apple lost me. At that point it became less about the best product and more about the best selling and more profitable product.


For me it all boils down to functionality.  Does the product help me do what I need to do?  And with my Apple products, I say yes, much better than anything else on the market.  The ease of use and right out of the box usefulness is what I'm paying for.  The marketing and all that are great, but I do multi media all day everyday, and for that Apple knocks it out of the park.  If I had a bit more moola I would have a big Mac computer too! 

I have been and always will be, your friend.
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My biggest beef isn't fair criticism of product or corporate direction, it's often the underlying tech snob douchebaggery that seems to ooze from many Apple haters towards Apple fans.


Quote from: Bryancd on September 26, 2012, 09:31:00 AM
My biggest beef isn't fair criticism of product or corporate direction, it's often the underlying tech snob douchebaggery that seems to ooze from many Apple haters towards Apple fans.

That goes both ways I'm afraid. The comments Apple fanboys make to Android peeps is so elitist, so full of vile...its just hard to swallow that people are actually like this, but there it is. When Instagram ported over to Android, the few comments I read about that was don't have an adjective to describe it.

I know that's not particularly unique to technology, but man is it bad. I can't visit certain websites due to this fanboyism on both sides. But its little wonder why companies want them.

Its why I don't support or like the idea of fanboys/fangirls of products, shows or etc.
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Quote from: Bryancd on September 26, 2012, 05:41:43 AM
You're too young to remember, but 15 years ago Apple wasn't known as a music, movie, mobile device maker either. They were a PC maker with their own proprietary operating sysstem and that was it. In fact every item you listed that you say Apple is known for have all occured in this short time frame. See how that works?

I guess I should have said recently known for. And its hard to say how my feelings would have been about the Apple back then. My thoughts are just on how Apple has been for the past half decade or so.
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Puhhlease! :) You know very well it's the tech savvy intelligentsia mafia that hate on Apple more then anything else. The vast majority of Apple consumers are just regular folks who have no dog in the tech wars online and in forums, they just want to buy sh*t that works and is easy to use and looks cool.