iOS 6 this week..

Started by Bryancd, September 19, 2012, 10:06:53 AM

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I'm darn useless with tech (just ask Dan i'm always texting him for advice lol) so for me Apple has always looked super cool. My mate Ray bought one of their computers, the original imac back in 1999 and i loved the look of it and was hooked from them. I don't have much money but if i did have cash to spare you can bet your bottom dollar that i would have the latest apple computer and the iphone. The updates on the iOS6 are what they are, updates for the modern generation. You have to go with the flow. I mean, I adore classic cars, but you can't can keep putting modern bits in the engine and hope it will work great.


Quote from: KingIsaacLinksr on September 26, 2012, 01:47:07 PM
Quote from: Bryancd on September 26, 2012, 05:41:43 AM
You're too young to remember, but 15 years ago Apple wasn't known as a music, movie, mobile device maker either. They were a PC maker with their own proprietary operating sysstem and that was it. In fact every item you listed that you say Apple is known for have all occured in this short time frame. See how that works?

I guess I should have said recently known for. And its hard to say how my feelings would have been about the Apple back then. My thoughts are just on how Apple has been for the past half decade or so.

But you still aren't getting the point. Corporations are organic, they grow, expand, move into areas where life is plentiful, withdraw from those where it is not. By your reasoning back all those years ago Apple shouldn't have tried to become a music retailer, I mena they were a computer company for God's sake! And yet that one business decision I would suggest informed their future direction and put them where they are now. Why would maps be any different? They may fail to provide a product experience comparable to Google but they certainly should try, it's organic.


Congrats on 5000 posts Tim! 

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Quote from: Bryancd on September 26, 2012, 02:12:07 PM
Puhhlease! :) You know very well it's the tech savvy intelligentsia mafia that hate on Apple more then anything else. The vast majority of Apple consumers are just regular folks who have no dog in the tech wars online and in forums, they just want to buy sh*t that works and is easy to use and looks cool.

I find the mafia comment amusing and while it may be accurate, Apple fanboys fling just as much hate on Android. They are not innocent victims. Take a look at Twitter/Google+ search feeds related to Apple/Android and you can get a taste of what I'm talking about. *shudders*. Not that I recommend it, I stay away from those searches for a reason.

But yeah, I know the majority of Apple/Droid consumers have no stake in the "tech wars". But then again, I'm not referring to them when I make the "fanboy/fangirl" comment. I'm talking about the hardcore people, the ones who defend their side of the "tech wars" with a ridiculous amount of fervor that its basically a religion to them. The ones that were pictured earlier in the thread are the ones I'm talking about. Those pictures concern me on quite a few levels.

Quote from: Bryancd on September 26, 2012, 03:00:52 PM
Quote from: KingIsaacLinksr on September 26, 2012, 01:47:07 PM
Quote from: Bryancd on September 26, 2012, 05:41:43 AM
You're too young to remember, but 15 years ago Apple wasn't known as a music, movie, mobile device maker either. They were a PC maker with their own proprietary operating sysstem and that was it. In fact every item you listed that you say Apple is known for have all occured in this short time frame. See how that works?

I guess I should have said recently known for. And its hard to say how my feelings would have been about the Apple back then. My thoughts are just on how Apple has been for the past half decade or so.

But you still aren't getting the point. Corporations are organic, they grow, expand, move into areas where life is plentiful, withdraw from those where it is not. By your reasoning back all those years ago Apple shouldn't have tried to become a music retailer, I mena they were a computer company for God's sake! And yet that one business decision I would suggest informed their future direction and put them where they are now. Why would maps be any different? They may fail to provide a product experience comparable to Google but they certainly should try, it's organic.

Alright alright, I get the point. And I'm not saying that Apple shouldn't evolve/change. Otherwise we wouldn't have gotten the iPad. But that doesn't mean I have to agree with this direction of doing everything themselves. Maybe this was possible at one time or another, but technology is too diverse and complex for one company to do everything and do it well.
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Quote from: moyer777 on September 26, 2012, 03:43:26 PM
Congrats on 5000 posts Tim! 

Thanks Rick, crazy that I have posted 5K times on this forum. :)
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Nice double quote post as well. :)


Quote from: Bryancd on September 26, 2012, 04:05:25 PM
Nice double quote post as well. :)

I can do them, I'm just too lazy to do them most of the time ;).
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Quote from: KingIsaacLinksr on September 26, 2012, 03:45:48 PM
Maybe this was possible at one time or another, but technology is too diverse and complex for one company to do everything and do it well.

That's true but technology goes from innovative to ubiquitous so quickly, it is possible for a single company to provide a broad based and satisfying user experience and do that VERY well. I barley use 90% of the capacity of my technology and operating systems and applications. I just do really simple basic stuff. It's all I want. It's all the majority of technology users want and utilize. People comfortable with technology want all the bells and whistles but that is a smaller market.


Vartok is like horse Mr. Ed - only post when he has something to say.

I say this - for fun engage Siri and say "Siri, my name is His Majesty" and then go silent.  Siri will from now call you Your Majesty (or whatever you told her your name is).  To check it out click on the button again and just say "Siri" and then wait.




Here's a thought to ponder: Google Maps wasn't always the awesome Google Maps we now and (some) love. Just sayin'


I'm reading this thinking you guys are wasting some good podcast material here! ;)

I don't have a problem with Apple doing their own maps. What I would say is that Apple's implementation isn't quite ready but they pushed it out anyway. This is not like Apple, they usually don't want to diminish the user experience. This leads me to think they have put business interests first (like pushing out Google from iOS) before the customer.

Of course they will improve and like Al stated, Google maps were a pile of crap until they were heavily worked on and invested in. They'll get there. They're hiring ex Google map people as we speak.

If I don't like something I'll say it regardless of if I'm a "fan" of the property / company or not and so would they majority of consumers. The very small minority of diehards out there will excuse anything from their particular "thing" and that's what gets reported. Again this is a very small minority augmented by particularly unbiased news reporting.


Quote from: QuadShot on September 26, 2012, 06:40:30 PM
Here's a thought to ponder: Google Maps wasn't always the awesome Google Maps we now and (some) love. Just sayin'

Just because Google pushed out something half baked (and I'd probably be slapping them around if I was around back when they did) doesn't mean I can't roast Apple for doing the same thing. But this is, at the end of the day, Apple replacing a pretty good maps app with a questionably-functioning maps app. That really isn't an upgrade in my opinion. I wish that Apple had just pushed it out as a BETA as they had with Siri. I mean, have both Gmaps and then Apple Maps in BETA. Give the app time to gather the data and bug test as needed. I'm more than positive plenty of people would have given it that data. Then Apple could have removed Gmaps as a base app a year later when their deal with Google expired. You wouldn't have an interruption of service like their doing now. To me, that seems like a saner way of doing things.

As Dan said, this is Apple putting their business interests first over the customer. And that rubs me the wrong way.
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Quote from: Dangelus on September 26, 2012, 10:27:38 PM
I'm reading this thinking you guys are wasting some good podcast material here! ;)

I don't have a problem with Apple doing their own maps. What I would say is that Apple's implementation isn't quite ready but they pushed it out anyway. This is not like Apple, they usually don't want to diminish the user experience. This leads me to think they have put business interests first (like pushing out Google from iOS) before the customer.

Of course they will improve and like Al stated, Google maps were a pile of crap until they were heavily worked on and invested in. They'll get there. They're hiring ex Google map people as we speak.

If I don't like something I'll say it regardless of if I'm a "fan" of the property / company or not and so would they majority of consumers. The very small minority of diehards out there will excuse anything from their particular "thing" and that's what gets reported. Again this is a very small minority augmented by particularly unbiased news reporting.

I agree Dan, very much so. I really like Apple products, but I am no more loyal to them then they are to me. I've had only a very few issues over the years, and I've not been clamped mouthed about them. If I have an issue, I say it. And Dan, I think you should podcast about this! Maybe have a round table of sorts - Apple fans and not so much Apple fans!


Quote from: KingIsaacLinksr on September 26, 2012, 11:07:07 PM
Quote from: QuadShot on September 26, 2012, 06:40:30 PM
Here's a thought to ponder: Google Maps wasn't always the awesome Google Maps we now and (some) love. Just sayin'

Just because Google pushed out something half baked (and I'd probably be slapping them around if I was around back when they did) doesn't mean I can't roast Apple for doing the same thing. But this is, at the end of the day, Apple replacing a pretty good maps app with a questionably-functioning maps app. That really isn't an upgrade in my opinion. I wish that Apple had just pushed it out as a BETA as they had with Siri. I mean, have both Gmaps and then Apple Maps in BETA. Give the app time to gather the data and bug test as needed. I'm more than positive plenty of people would have given it that data. Then Apple could have removed Gmaps as a base app a year later when their deal with Google expired. You wouldn't have an interruption of service like their doing now. To me, that seems like a saner way of doing things.

As Dan said, this is Apple putting their business interests first over the customer. And that rubs me the wrong way.

Ok Tim, I do agree with you on some things. I apologize if I've led the charge against anyone expressing concern about Apple. You do have that right and I support it.

As far as Apple's decision to dump Google, who knows? In the end we'll most likely never know why the did it, and to be honest, not really our right to know. Apple is a business and they must make the decisions THEY feel are best for their stakeholders. Period. If we look at those decisions and ask "WHY?", well, unless you own major shares of Apple stock, I doubt you'll find out. Maybe they just wanted to see if they COULD be independent? Maybe they wanted to get a bunch of people hopelessly lost so they could sell the "Find Your Way Back Home" app? :)

A lot of us, me included, tend to forget (or never really know) about products before they become awesome. So when a powerhouse company like Apple puts something that isn't spot-on right away, our initial reaction is to say "HULK.....SMASH!!!" I'm exactly the same way. We just need to be patient with this Maps thing and the iOS6 things. They'll either fix them, and a year from now we'll all be trying to remember WHAT Apple Maps replaced, or Apple will move on with something else and put GMAPS back...Al


Oh we know why Apple is giving Google the boot. Android. Had Google never made Android, I'm pretty sure the two companies would have been ok with each other. Even disregarding Job's statement of wanting to go thermonuclear on Android, they are now a competitor with Apple. And that causes problem when companies as competitive as these two find themselves in competition all of the sudden.
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