Star Trek teaser trailers 1979-2009

Started by ChrisMC, December 06, 2012, 04:46:35 PM

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Just thought I would go back and look at these.

The Motion Picture's teaser is actually pretty intense, considering the pace of the movie. The music helps of course.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) - HD teaser trailer

Wrath of Khan, the teaser is amazing, I can't imagine what Trekkies back then thought of it, I was too young to remember.

Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan Trailer

Couldn't find a "teaser" for Search for Spock, but this theatrical one is pretty nifty.

Star Trek III - The Search for Spock - Trailer

Same goes for Voyage Home, I remember the Tv commecrials for this with the President warning them away from Earth.

Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home [HD]

The Final Frontier teaser is so well cut, it makes the movie look kick-ass! Sadly...

Star Trek V - The Final Frontier - Teaser Trailer

The Undiscovered Country teaser is my favorite Trek trailer ever. Still gives me goosebumps. Horner music, scenes from all the old stuff, brilliant.

Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country - Teaser Trailer

Generations teaser is pretty solid, love the intro music and narration, but the re-use of the TV effects detracts. Bit of trivia, Generations was the first movie ever to have its own website.

Star Trek Generations Teaser Trailer

The First Contact teaser kicks serious butt. Love the BOBW music and the assimilated ST logo.I must have watched this a zillion times.

Star Trek: First Contact (1996) - Teaser Trailer

The Insurrection teaser is OK, but I can remember it not hitting me as well as FC. Love the exploding logo,

Star Trek: First Contact (1996) - Teaser Trailer

Nemesis teaser, not bad! Very moody with a bit of action in the second half. I really wish they hadn't shown the Enterprise crashing into the Scimitar in the theatrical trailer, gave away a cool moment.

Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) - Teaser Trailer

AND the Star Trek '09 teaser, still love it, really lets you know we are going in the way back machine.

Star Trek (2009) - Teaser Trailer [HD]

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― Neil deGrasse Tyson


Makes me want to watch all the old TOS movies again... except maybe The Motion Picture.


I ended up watching Star Trek II last night on Netflix streaming. They have III and Insurrection on there too so I'll catch III sometime soon. I got all the TNG movies on blu-ray so no need to watch it on netflix.



I know, I remember so clearly obsessing over most of those until the movies came out.
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Quote from: Chris-El on February 21, 2013, 01:30:37 PM
I know, I remember so clearly obsessing over most of those until the movies came out.

I'm still obsessing about these movies!  :)

Cool post!


Quote from: Chris-El on February 21, 2013, 01:30:37 PM
I know, I remember so clearly obsessing over most of those until the movies came out.

I didn't.. I saw the motion picture at a drive in.. and wasn't really into TOS so I didn't see the next movie in a theater until A Voyage Home and then I skipped 5 and loved 6 and of course I've seen the rest in the theater.


You skipped 5. WHAT!! Just kidding it wasn't one of the better ones. It was however the first Trek movie I saw with my wife.


Star Trek 4 is one of the first movies I have memory of seeing in the theater.


i see the motion picture with my grandfather and my two cousins, star trek 2 with my mother, st3 i saw alone, st4 with best friend, st5 i didn't see until it hit vhs, st6 i saw with a friend who past away like 6mths after.
i like my star trek. but if i have to say the ones i enjoy the most is 2,4,6
unlike most people i liked star trek :the motion picture, i just can't tell you why?lol   st5 just sucked, and st 3 was ok.
those trailer did bring back some good memories, it was a great post
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