Laid off, but some good news too

Started by PaulECoyote, December 27, 2012, 10:45:14 AM

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Hey all, I know I'm not truly one of "the regulars" but I like you lot and enjoy the community around here.

Also I know that some of you have been laid off before.  I remember the great lengths Rico went to get work.

Well in somewhat of a Games Industry Christmas tradition, I was laid off about 2 weeks ago with no notice period.  First time for me being in the "wrong" room... I've been the one with survivors guilt before.  Luckily I have found a short-term contract that runs for a month or so, but after that who knows?  Also lucky for me my wife was made permanent a few weeks ago so the health insurance thing should be less grim.  The whole health insurance being tied to a job thing was my number 1 fear about moving from the UK to the USA.

The timing of this coincided with an important scan (that COBRA *should* cover), and that is where the good news comes in.  We already new my wife is pregnant, but now the baby will be a little girl!  It's all daunting and exciting at the same time.  Though being due in May means there's several movies I might miss out on at the cinema! ;)

Anyway I hope you all had a good Christmas and have a great New Year.


Sorry my man, I'm sure I speak for the entire community that we are here for you and I recall lot's of great exchanges in those threads that may be of help.


Hang in there dude, something will come up soon.


Good people with good work history can always find a job, it may take a while for sure. Congrats on the new edition!
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Sorry to hear about this Paul - I certainly know how you feel.  My best advice - enjoy the time off while looking for new work.  My mistake was I was kind of obsessed at finding new work and I didn't bother to try to enjoy some of the time off I had.  And hey - congrats on the little one on the way - I'm certain everything will work out just fine.


I hope there comes a time soon that you start to think of yourself as one of the "regulars" because I've truly enjoyed your contributions to our group and that whole "insider" thing is just a state of mind anyway.  It's been a rough year in the games industry, with tons of layoffs and a pretty cut-throat way these companies do business has become more common place it seems.  Video game companies don't seem to have a lot of regard for their employees, forcing long hours, overtime, and then laying everyone off when the work's done.  Games are huge though, with lots of opportunities all the time, especially when you have the track record and experiences of proven work in well known franchise that you have.  You'll land on your feet.  Grats on your impending fatherhood, rough time to get laid off.  I remember I *almost* lost my job when my wife was pregnant with my first daughter.  It was a terrifying moment, interviewing with a pregnant wife is harrowing to be sure.  My advice to you, is the last thing prospective employers want to hear about is your pregnant wife!  Focus on what you have to offer the company, you have plenty of time to disclose details of your personal life after youre hired.  good luck!
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Sorry to hear your job Loss, but congrats on your baby. Like Joby said, the gaming business is a tough business, hopefully you might be able to transfer your skills into something that might be more stable. Best of luck in your job search.


Good luck Paul, hang in there mate. Something will come up I'm sure.


I just prayed for you my friend.  It's going to be ok, you will find something way better!

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I'm so sorry to hear about the lay off.  I've been unemployed for 6 months next week, and it does get daunting after a while.  You can burn yourself out looking for a job.   I've built a routine where I can enjoy the time off while still dedicating some time everyday to looking for a job.  All it takes is that ONE job posting to hook and you'll be in a better place.  Good luck to you, and congrats on the little one coming.


Talk about bitter sweet news!  Glad to hear of your daughter, but sad about your job loss.  Nothing like adding stress to the holiday season...

Ensign Random

 Tough that you have such bittersweet news, but I'll send all the positive thoughts and vibes your way that you will find something even better. Hang in there:)Congratulations on the new one on the way!
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it."
― Neil deGrasse Tyson


And yes, a huge congrats on the new addition! I know exactly how you feel as we await our son to be born in March.


Sorry to hear you lost your job, and good luck with the search for a new one.


Congratulations and commiserations at the same time.

My brother is in the games industry and he was kicked out a while back. He's managed to make his way as a self-employed something or another so far but I'm sure you'll know much better than any of us which direction your skills point you.

Good luck with both the offspring and the employment situation.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.