Dad pays daughter to stop using Facebook

Started by Rico, February 07, 2013, 08:29:27 AM

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I like it!

(CNN) -- How do you get a teenager to volunteer to quit Facebook?
Apparently, with cold, hard cash.
A Boston father is paying his 14-year-old daughter $200 to quit using the social site for almost five months, according to a post on his blog.
On Tuesday, Paul Baier, a research consultant from Boston, posted an image of a "Facebook Deactivation Agreement" with his daughter, Rachel.


Hah!  Good idea.  We are controlling the amount of computer time (for non school work) for our kids.  My son would play Minecraft till he drops if not watched carefully. 


Sounds like a plan I will be adopting in the future as well.....without the financial incentive, my son's fear of my wrath should prove sufficient. :)


I think just saying "you use that again and i will take away your computer" would normally work. That or just have ground rules. I agree with Bry, I have been strict with my daughter, not silly strict but she knows when she can watch tv etc, no tv on at eating time, no mobile phones at dinner table (this is a rule for me and my wife so Isla understands) so when she gets to the point of using the computer she will follow our rules etc.... at least thats the plan lol


Quote from: Bromptonboy on February 07, 2013, 09:56:03 AM
Hah!  Good idea.  We are controlling the amount of computer time (for non school work) for our kids.  My son would play Minecraft till he drops if not watched carefully. 
Don't mention Minecraft.  My daughter's hooked.


"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx



My Dad would never have made this deal with I or my brothers. He would have just set the rules on no-using Facebook and that would be the end of it. (Not that we would like it, but still) Seems to me, bribing kids to stop doing something is the wrong way of doing it, but I'm no Dad. So to me, she's taking advantage of him. Idk. Just my thoughts.
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My kids would also stare at the LCD screens all day long, without intervention. I went so far as to draft a "TV User Terms Of Service Agreement" to specify my expectations explicitly: 1 hour per day, up to 3 days worth can be saved, take turns with each other, no complaining about your siblings choices, etc.  It's nice to be able to drag an offender to the fridge, where it's posted, and point out the specific agreed upon rule they're violating...


I have made terms of use agreements with my daughter and they have worked well. I don't pay her to do or not do anything. She's held to expectations and when she meets those expectations, she is not entitled to a reward. Only when she exceeds expectations do I go out of the way to reward her with something.