"Defiance" - tv series/game

Started by Rico, April 14, 2013, 07:31:27 AM

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Just finished watching it.. I really enjoyed it.. it did it's job of entertaining me and making want to come back and watch more.. so kudos to Defiance.


I can watch this on Hulu but just streaming through my computer not through my playstation. So I will be watching this very soon.

charlie epsilon

They have the pilot up on SyFy.com, so I'll try and get caught up before tomorrow night's episode.

On another note, has anyone tried the game? I have two friends playing it on PC, but $60 seems a little steep without some kind of demo available.


I forced myself to sit through the pilot - although I wasn't caught up at first, I am starting to warm up to the series.  I'll stay with it for the present.


I enjoyed the second episode. At least they provided an explanation as to why St. Louis looks like northern Arizona. :)


I enjoyed episode 2 as well, thought the pace was a lot better than the pilot.


I really enjoyed the pilot. I was watching it on my 17in laptop screen but still thought it looked really cool, and sure there were predictable moments but I enjoyed most of the story. I liked seeing Julie Benz again and I wasn't that familiar with the lead actor but I thought he did a good job. I don't know why but I really enjoyed the daughter character, don't recall her name, and I liked how she was writing things in her journal and not doing it in English. Good mix of alien species also. Looking foward to watching ep. 2 this weekend.


Second episode was pretty good.  Still enjoying the series so far.


I wasn't too impressed with the pilot, but I enjoyed episode 2 far better than the pilot!!


Yes, I'm still on board with this. It took me two or three hits to get through the pilot (too slow in places) but then went trough episode two immediately afterwards.

I think (as normal) the pilot suffers from having to both set everything up and come to some sort of real conclusion by the end in case they never come back. I think they managed it just about OK for the most part but it was only the ending that really sucked me back in for the follow-on.

Episode two was a much easier watch as the hour just slid past without me really noticing. Episode three is queued up on the DVR.

(We get this on Tuesdays, the day after the US I believe. Finally, another show we can all watch in close-enough-to-real-time to discuss.)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Really enjoyed ep. 2. Old St. Louis was cool. Really looking foward to #3.


I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


So episode 3! Thoughts?

To be honest I felt a little like I was watching a video game this episode. It kept reminding me of playing the first Mass Effect game. If you've played it you will know which part I'm talking about?

I liked the episode, but I felt like they wimped out a little (not with the obvious cliche moments, those I'm letting slide with just an eye roll). I felt like they made the spirit riders and their alien culture to be too humanized when they really could or should have taken it further.


Not really sure what to make of it. I'll rate it as OK but I wasn't as taken with this one as I was with episode 2 although I find it hard to put my finger on the reason why. It may simply be because this was a little more self-contained and I'm waiting for more information on what happened in the past and why.

There were parts that pushed me (mentally) out of the episode thinking 'game!' but as I don't play these games I may have been a bit wide of the mark.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Well, it had elements of DUNE (The yoga with a knife scene at the start and the spice trance bit), ALIENS (Including stealing the helmets directly and a chestburster)Starship Troopers (it's a Brain bug that looks like a giant vagina!) a weird scene of a guy stroking his running shoes (as a runner, can't say I have ever done that), and a lot of other bat shit crazy stuff. I thought it was awful but I couldn't look away. This show has no idea what it wants to be. And the mayor chick is up for reelection already?! What's she been in office 2 months?! I am going to stick with it but Jamie was rolling her eyes about the show last night, and i can't blame her.